Umm. Is there something else?
I'm not probing for a specific answer, but it seemed kind of interesting that the things you had to offer were entirely traits you have that you think are desirable. There was a "I woudln't do _____ for a girl," (change) but no "I would do _____ for a girl." So, I wondered if that was a part you didn't think about, or just didn't mention.
OH. Well I wouldn't completely change my wardrobe for a girl, but if she had purchased a shirt or something she'd like me to wear, I wouldn't have problems wearing it. I wouldn't change most aspects of my personality for a girl, but I would change other things about it upon request. For example: I might be too blunt or harsh, I might make serious attempts to soften it up a bit.
Do you mean like that?
Lol, no, I don't mean what else you'd change. I mean what you'd have to offer in relation to her, not just in relation to you.
OK, basic example, maybe it'll help, maybe it won't. Two things I'd say I can offer a guy are that I try to stay in shape/take care of my appearance (a desirable trait), and that I never cheat on my partners (a desirable way of behaving in a relationship).
What are your ways of behaving/what would they be? You said you're witty and silly- does it usually make girls laugh? What other good effects do you have? That type of thing.