The stupidity that some people willingly buy into is amazing. The Heavens Gate is my own nomination for the stupidest of the modern cult dumbasses. The men(?) of that outfit that had their balls cut off really didn't have any reason to not kill themselves at that point. At least Koresh's group ran up a scorecard with the BATFE prior to getting fried, although they could have done better by not letting their enemies in to take out their wounded. Realistically, once you bloody the noses of the Federal Governments attack dogs ala Gordon Kahl, W. "Roy" Moody, Michael Platt et al then the absolute best you'll ever get is life in Florence or Marion or some other SHU shit hole in the BOP system if you live. But I digress, there have been so many doomsday, UFO and other cultists throughout history and there does not seem to be any time in history when the Jim Jones and Sabbati Zevi types couldn't meet their quotas of dumb shits to give them money, sex, their daughters or whatever else the ruling cultist wanted. I don't get the mindset of letting some self proclaimed prophet or messiah make every fucking decision.