
Author Topic: My awesome kickass news...  (Read 868 times)

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Re: My awesome kickass news...
« Reply #30 on: September 20, 2016, 03:55:47 PM »
Urrgh fucking shitbox! I am stuck pretty much immobile on the soda, can't get anything to eat for myself, got candy thank fuck (mmmmmgghrrnnngghhkrrkghhkh liquorice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* although I have a bottle of coke beside me and when my old man wakes I will have him fetch me the 6-7 bottles of Beck's and a few stella. Bottled, OF COURSE! :P

But worse (although it was dying anyway) now my e-fag battery, the second tonight has died on me. One was simply on its way to giving up the ghost anyway,   but the other broke due to the awkward way I have to heave myself about, elephant-seal-fashion if I want to move at all.  Or rather, if I HAVE to move. Because I sure as fuck do not want to. Its bad enough having to use one of my old empty 5 liter methanol jugs when I want to so much as have a piss.

Believe you bloody well me, am I EVER glad that opiates cause inhibition of intestinal peristalsis. I.e I'm likely as not, not going to need to drop a MLA for at least a week. Probably a week and a half.

I thought you had a special thread to die in.  Don't go doing it randomly somewhere else or I might miss it. >:(

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Re: My awesome kickass news...
« Reply #31 on: September 20, 2016, 08:06:04 PM »
you first, Bitch.

No idea how this happened though, because I've both not been anywhere that I could have injured my foot, got a similar but far more minor issue with my shoulder as well, right over my shoulder. Annoying thing is its right in that spot one just can't reach and part of it itches like fucking fury, burns like hell. And I have to lie down in awkward as hell positions.

And I have never been to the states, elle, so obviously I didn't like it as much. I'd have to have BEEN to have liked it:P
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline MLA

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Re: My awesome kickass news...
« Reply #32 on: September 21, 2016, 09:08:06 AM »
you first, Bitch.

You want me to make a special thread that you can follow for my health?  What a sweetie  :pinkbeat: :hug: