it's about culture, not race. i don't have a problem with people moving to a country if they are willing to adapt. if your culture is to be gross and threatening and violent, that's not cool. i don't give a shit what race you are i will kick your ass. --unless you are cute and hot of course. 
Actually I would say it goes further than that - the boundaries are in essence more on civilisation lines. Needless to say though, we should only have immigrate here those who we integrate. Clearly what is going off in Sweden is immigration gone too far with the wrong groups of people - hence riots.
"Clearly"? You must have studied this in detail. Do enlighten us with an in-depth analysis, please.
Nice statistic if you scroll along this table - 56% Swedish respondents agreed with the statement that "Islamic fundamentalism is a serious threat for our country". See, even your country men agree with you. In fact Islamic immigration is so out of control that they have seen fit to issue a list of demands - including many good quotables:
Apart form everything else, what does this have to do with the situation at Rosengård? I was asking for your enlightened in-depth analysis, not some googled PDF that, while quotable, is largely irrelevant.
All local authorities should arrange an evening of the week will be a women's evening and men in evening
gym och simhallen. gym and swimming pool. Hela hallen ska då vara öppen bara för kvinnor eller män medan övriga kväller är för The whole hall will be open only for women or men, while the other nights are for
båda könen. both sexes. I detta fall handlar det bland annat om att unga flickor från muslimska länder ska få This case is among other things, that young girls from Muslim countries will be
möjligheten att delta i simundervisning och därmed få godkänt betyg i gymnastik. the opportunity to participate in swimming and thereby obtain passing grades in gymnastics. Förutsättningar är att det Condition is that it
inte finns unga pojkar eller vuxna män i simhallen. are not young boys or adult men in the swimming pool.
Do you know *anything* about Rosengård, Hadron? Anything at all?
You miss the point as ever. It happens in one place in a nation then spreads - but asides I know the situation there. Asides - I found the PDF through JSTOR 
In other words, you don't know. I was not referring to just the current situation but what has preceded it, as well as a place called Rosengård. This did not happen over night, you know. (No, I guess you probably don't.)
Your quote, above, makes my point clear to anyone who actually knows--or is prepared to do his homework.
I'm wasting my time with you.