Ugh - what did you do to the quotes? I'll see if I can make some sense of this.

Firstly, in Britain effectively (to be concise) parents can buy their kids access to the best schools - often to the disadvantage of those kids in poorer backgrounds. (...) By removing parental choice, you vastly reduce the opportunities for all these people to cheat like that.
And put people at the mercy of the government instead. Instead of removing parental choice (which effectively eliminates student choice - some parents, like mine, actually let their kids pick the school), why not fund merit scholarships?
The way social structure currently is in the UK and other western civilisations is that its very difficult to be deeply into a social circle as a male without doing some form of sport. Gutting it from schools (and the TV imo) would help our cause a lot.
So basically, you want to make things better for male aspies at the expense of everyone else? I'm all for self-interest but that's awfully short-sighted. Rather than change people's attitudes, or even fix the system from the inside, you want to completely eliminate it? There's no way you'd get a majority to agree with you on that.
The only form of merit that can be justified in a modern society is intellectual ability and the openmindedness to think originally. The rest may as well be morons which we might want to farm like Horses for our own entertainment - but nothing else.
Okay, now I
really don't take you seriously. That's as bad as Lit.