hadron, i really would give up if i were you. more or less every word you've said the post above just continues to prove my point.
I could find teachers who more than agree with my arguments 
how many? hadron, you're reverting to "i'm a sprog and i know everything" territory again. take it from me (with 20+ years experience of hundreds of teachers), you really *don't* know, in this case.
Most of my old teachers were in their fifties too
er, you think i'm in my 50s? if that's the level of attention you pay to things, then the rest of your comments are worth jack shit.
- and I could find 10 people who pretty much agree with me, with more experience than yourself.
ten? well done - when you can talk about hundreds, i'll start listening.

Not that I believe in argument from authority of course...
you'll learn to listen to people, one day.
as for:
Half of it is the same parents who have failed to raise their kids to any extent blaming their own ineptitude on teachers.
are you saying this about the people who have complained about dodgy teachers in this thread?
No - I was referring to in general. Lets say I overheard enough from them when attending parents evenings - basically middle class parents who can barely control their own kids, let alone get them to do their homework. Though if their kids were brighter, then perhaps they would not need to...
again, you should see things from "the chalk face", as it's called.
You mean the resource website for teachers who dont know / cant be bothered to write their own lesson plans?
no, i mean what teachers call actually working in classrooms. again, i refer to your lack of experience and knowledge.
you can argue all you like, hadron, but it doesn't detract from the fact that - as has been pointed out on here several times, by several people - you're using an extrapolation of minimal experience to argue against people who know what they're talking about.
i dare say you really do believe you're right, and not just arguing to save face, and to avoid admitting that others know more than you - been there, done that. but, quite frankly, it's not worth engaging in debate with you if either is the case.
i thought we'd been through all this before, and you realised you didn't *have* to prove you have a brain. but obviously not. shame.