i don't really hate holidayS but itS fun to pretend.
thiS iS the firSt thankSgiving in about 12 yearS that i have not worked. it uSed to be my way of avoiding going home for the holidayS. but thiS year my SiSter juSt got out of the hoSpital, my couSin iS ill, i am Sick and moving, and my family iS in a State of upSet. they are not doing thankSgiving thiS year.
i actually like holidayS becauSe i can make a lot of money working when no one elSe wantS to. otherwiSe they don't make much of a difference unleSS there iS Special food. So i celebrate canadian and uS thankSgiving by eating turkey and drinking eggnog. Same for chriStmaS, SolStice, kwanzaa and eaSter.
So letS hear it for turkey dayS, eggnog dayS and peepS day!