
Author Topic: Theory of mind  (Read 782 times)

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Offline punkdrew

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Re: Theory of mind
« Reply #15 on: November 30, 2008, 07:37:08 PM »
IMO, it begins with what memes children are imprinted with. If it's a religious meme then they're imprinted with certain ideas such as: there is a God, He will punish wrongdoers, abortion, homosex and drug use are sins against Him. This is the most extreme (ie fundamentalist) version of this meme, no matter the religion (with the exception of most Eastern religions, esp. Buddhism).

Then there's the circumstances of their births: were they wanted or not? This has INCREDIBLY powerful repercussions. If the child is imprinted with the knowledge that s/he is wanted and loved, this tends to produce high self-esteem, confidence and intelligence. If the child receives the message that s/he wasn't wanted, this usually results in low self-esteem etc. There are of course exceptions: we all know of cases where children who were prized and loved by their parental units turned out to be absolute shits, and abandoned children who developed incredible self-esteem and emotional/mental flexibility and resiliency.

Short version: it's nature and nuture. GI; GO.

Problems originating in upbringing can be fixed in later life but with years/decades of effort and no guarantee of success.

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Re: Theory of mind
« Reply #16 on: November 30, 2008, 10:47:55 PM »
I still cant conceive of so many people all with their own thoughts it bothers me to no end :-\

Johny I don't take it personal and some in those municipal jobs need to be kicked out on their asses.I see waste and wasted time and effort all around me and it confounds me nobody else can.
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Re: Theory of mind
« Reply #17 on: November 30, 2008, 11:57:23 PM »
I scratched their private part with the scratcher. It was something I did every time I saw one. I did it to my family and strangers. Now I only do it to people I know. I bet it look freaky if a grownup was touched down there by a young woman. That might not look good vs a child doing it.

that doesn't sound right. why did you scratch them? i think it's someone's own business to scratch their stuff, not let a kid do it for them. ??? did anyone do it to you when you were a child?

I honestly didn't know what they were, so I would look at them and then I thought maybe they were for grabbing people down there. I liked the attention I was getting by them  and my brothers getting mad for a strange reason. By the time my parents found out I was doing it, it was hard for me to stop because I was never stopped before. So I kept on doing it until I get yelled at to stop by my parents. I think I stopped in my teens and only do it to people I know.

But one of my brothers did do it to me one time and it startled me but I wanted them to do it again. I bet they were just doing it to teach me how it feels but instead it backfired. I thought how can people not like?  :-\

Offline Johnny

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Re: Theory of mind
« Reply #18 on: December 01, 2008, 02:20:20 AM »
I still cant conceive of so many people all with their own thoughts it bothers me to no end :-\

Johny I don't take it personal and some in those municipal jobs need to be kicked out on their asses.I see waste and wasted time and effort all around me and it confounds me nobody else can.

People don't even think about waste, they just worry about what Bob & Mary are doing and saying an accept everything else as the way it is or just don't give a shit even if they do see it.

Biff is only worried about his golf game and what the other Biff's think of him and Muffy her hair and sticking her nose in everyone elses business and worried about what they think of her.

Offline Johnny

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Re: Theory of mind
« Reply #19 on: December 01, 2008, 02:20:57 AM »
"There are three kinds of people- called Larrys, Curlys, and Moes.

The Larrys don't even know there are three types; if they're told, it's an abstraction, because they cannot imagine anything beyond Larryness. The Curlys know about it, and recognize it as a pecking order, but find ways of living with it cheerfully...for they are the imaginative, creative ones. The Moes not only know about it, but exploit and perpetuate it.

.....The naive, pleasant New-Agers and "nice" UFO contactees, for instance, are Larrys (as are normals at large)- ineffectual, well-meaning do-gooders destined to always be sheep, they don't want to hear unpleasant legends about "the slaughterhouse"; they trust the strange beings who feed them.

The artists, unsung scientific geniuses, political writers, and earnest disciples of the stranger cults are Curlys- engaging, original, accident-prone but full of life, and intuitively aware of the Moe forces against them and trying to fight back. They can never defeat the Moes, however, without becoming Moes, which is impossible for a true Curly.

The Moes, then, are the fanatics, the ranters, the cult gurus, the Uri Gellers AND the debunkers; they are the Resistance Leaders and the Ruling Class Bankers, both. They hate each other, but only because they want to control ALL the Larrys and Curlys themselves. They don't actually enjoy their dominance; it's simply part of their nature. Nor are they any less foolish for the fact that they make the decisions. They suffer a chronic paranoia that is unknown to their less demanding underlings.
....Larrys and Curlys die in wars started by rival Moes- the Larrys willingly, the Curlys with great regret. Concepts like "Hell" and "Sin" were invented by Moes to keep Larrys in line; the Larrys, in turn, being far more numerous, exert social pressure on the Curly minority to obey- mainly so the Larrys won't feel like suckers.
....The Moes also invent myths, like that of the "Grouchos, Harpos, Chicos and Zeppos", to throw the more rebellious Curlys off their trail and keep them unsure of the real situations.

.....When the Curlys finally die of overwork, the Moes find that they cannot live in an all-Larry world; they select special Larrys and try to mold them into False Curlys...but it isn't the same."

Offline Johnny

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Re: Theory of mind
« Reply #20 on: December 01, 2008, 02:26:29 AM »
The Larrys,Curlies & Moes thing sums it up real good, the no mind Larrys populate the world and the Moes exploit them to no end.

every moron who reads it will believe they are a curlie, but reality is most are larrys. The Moes will just laugh at it without any worry about losing control of the larry's

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Re: Theory of mind
« Reply #21 on: December 01, 2008, 07:15:55 AM »
I still cant conceive of so many people all with their own thoughts it bothers me to no end :-\

You're not meant to man! You're tripping out on some heavy shit if you try to get your head around ideas like that.

I think normal people have some sort of lockout in their brain which stops them thinking of that kinda shit, sorta only happens when they are stoned. We're different in that  we don't have those sort of lockouts and we can trip in ideas like that when we are stone cold sober.

If you really want to bend you brain, try visualising and thinking about every atom and sub atomic particle in the universe AT ONE TIME.

(Lord Phlexor does not take responsibility for any broken brains that result in the reading of this post)

Offline Peter

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Re: Theory of mind
« Reply #22 on: December 01, 2008, 07:34:00 AM »
If you really want to bend you brain, try visualising and thinking about every atom and sub atomic particle in the universe AT ONE TIME.

You will of course require a small piece of fairy cake.

Also, a total perspective vortex would be useful.
14:10 - Moarskrillex42: She said something about knowing why I wanted to move to Glasgow when she came in. She plopped down on my bed and told me to go ahead and open it for her.

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Re: Theory of mind
« Reply #23 on: December 02, 2008, 03:57:34 AM »
"There are three kinds of people- called Larrys, Curlys, and Moes.

The Larrys don't even know there are three types; if they're told, it's an abstraction, because they cannot imagine anything beyond Larryness. The Curlys know about it, and recognize it as a pecking order, but find ways of living with it cheerfully...for they are the imaginative, creative ones. The Moes not only know about it, but exploit and perpetuate it.

.....The naive, pleasant New-Agers and "nice" UFO contactees, for instance, are Larrys (as are normals at large)- ineffectual, well-meaning do-gooders destined to always be sheep, they don't want to hear unpleasant legends about "the slaughterhouse"; they trust the strange beings who feed them.

The artists, unsung scientific geniuses, political writers, and earnest disciples of the stranger cults are Curlys- engaging, original, accident-prone but full of life, and intuitively aware of the Moe forces against them and trying to fight back. They can never defeat the Moes, however, without becoming Moes, which is impossible for a true Curly.

The Moes, then, are the fanatics, the ranters, the cult gurus, the Uri Gellers AND the debunkers; they are the Resistance Leaders and the Ruling Class Bankers, both. They hate each other, but only because they want to control ALL the Larrys and Curlys themselves. They don't actually enjoy their dominance; it's simply part of their nature. Nor are they any less foolish for the fact that they make the decisions. They suffer a chronic paranoia that is unknown to their less demanding underlings.
....Larrys and Curlys die in wars started by rival Moes- the Larrys willingly, the Curlys with great regret. Concepts like "Hell" and "Sin" were invented by Moes to keep Larrys in line; the Larrys, in turn, being far more numerous, exert social pressure on the Curly minority to obey- mainly so the Larrys won't feel like suckers.
....The Moes also invent myths, like that of the "Grouchos, Harpos, Chicos and Zeppos", to throw the more rebellious Curlys off their trail and keep them unsure of the real situations.

.....When the Curlys finally die of overwork, the Moes find that they cannot live in an all-Larry world; they select special Larrys and try to mold them into False Curlys...but it isn't the same."
That is outstanding analysis Johnny.  :thumbup:

Offline Johnny

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Re: Theory of mind
« Reply #24 on: December 02, 2008, 11:53:50 AM »
"There are three kinds of people- called Larrys, Curlys, and Moes.

The Larrys don't even know there are three types; if they're told, it's an abstraction, because they cannot imagine anything beyond Larryness. The Curlys know about it, and recognize it as a pecking order, but find ways of living with it cheerfully...for they are the imaginative, creative ones. The Moes not only know about it, but exploit and perpetuate it.

.....The naive, pleasant New-Agers and "nice" UFO contactees, for instance, are Larrys (as are normals at large)- ineffectual, well-meaning do-gooders destined to always be sheep, they don't want to hear unpleasant legends about "the slaughterhouse"; they trust the strange beings who feed them.

The artists, unsung scientific geniuses, political writers, and earnest disciples of the stranger cults are Curlys- engaging, original, accident-prone but full of life, and intuitively aware of the Moe forces against them and trying to fight back. They can never defeat the Moes, however, without becoming Moes, which is impossible for a true Curly.

The Moes, then, are the fanatics, the ranters, the cult gurus, the Uri Gellers AND the debunkers; they are the Resistance Leaders and the Ruling Class Bankers, both. They hate each other, but only because they want to control ALL the Larrys and Curlys themselves. They don't actually enjoy their dominance; it's simply part of their nature. Nor are they any less foolish for the fact that they make the decisions. They suffer a chronic paranoia that is unknown to their less demanding underlings.
....Larrys and Curlys die in wars started by rival Moes- the Larrys willingly, the Curlys with great regret. Concepts like "Hell" and "Sin" were invented by Moes to keep Larrys in line; the Larrys, in turn, being far more numerous, exert social pressure on the Curly minority to obey- mainly so the Larrys won't feel like suckers.
....The Moes also invent myths, like that of the "Grouchos, Harpos, Chicos and Zeppos", to throw the more rebellious Curlys off their trail and keep them unsure of the real situations.

.....When the Curlys finally die of overwork, the Moes find that they cannot live in an all-Larry world; they select special Larrys and try to mold them into False Curlys...but it isn't the same."
That is outstanding analysis Johnny.  :thumbup:

copyright, who knows but it sums it up real good

Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: Theory of mind
« Reply #25 on: December 02, 2008, 01:32:56 PM »
I scratched their private part with the scratcher. It was something I did every time I saw one. I did it to my family and strangers. Now I only do it to people I know. I bet it look freaky if a grownup was touched down there by a young woman. That might not look good vs a child doing it.

that doesn't sound right. why did you scratch them? i think it's someone's own business to scratch their stuff, not let a kid do it for them. ??? did anyone do it to you when you were a child?

I honestly didn't know what they were, so I would look at them and then I thought maybe they were for grabbing people down there. I liked the attention I was getting by them  and my brothers getting mad for a strange reason. By the time my parents found out I was doing it, it was hard for me to stop because I was never stopped before. So I kept on doing it until I get yelled at to stop by my parents. I think I stopped in my teens and only do it to people I know.

But one of my brothers did do it to me one time and it startled me but I wanted them to do it again. I bet they were just doing it to teach me how it feels but instead it backfired. I thought how can people not like?  :-\

Hey I woulda probably thought the same thing.
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