So, tell me why that's a bad thing.
It's not a bad thing, as long at it keeps out the 3rd world scum we have comming into most European countries. It's a bad thing when it prevents decent northern and western Europeans to move to the USA.
Nah, we won't fight over our new president, except in the usual way.
As far as Iran, we have a well publicised plan for staying out of any armed conflict with them as well as alternate plans. The Iranians also know of the expectations placed upon them by most of the free world's powers. It's like getting a speeding ticket, Tig. You can easily prevent them. You know what is going to happen if you do certain things. Iran can prevent an invasion of her soil.
I also doubt that our "Chicago-Tough" President Elect will be as easy to influence with FUD presented by military advisers, filling him with cowboy daydreams, as was our lame
You can never know that for sure. Kennedy was the one who dragged the USA into the Vietnam war, but that is forgotten, since he got shot long before the war went disastrous for you.
... forgotten? Hardly. Go back even further to find more blame.
Truman supporting France in the continued administration of its colonial French Indo-China after WWII, knowing full well that a declaration of independence from French rule by the Viet Minh was eminent, seems to get a bye, also.
Dulles (Secretary of State in the Eisenhower cabinet) made the entire state of affairs about "rolling back" communism around the world in the way he presented the issues of the growing conflict to the American public, despite the fact that Viet Minh forces (Communists) had aided and rescued several of our downed pilots during the war with Japan, everyone ignores.
The Eisenhower administration, not signing the 1954 Geneva Accord (temporary independence for French Indo-China, with a division at the "Seventeenth Parallel" while elections could be held), instead, sending military training forces (and MONEY!) to set up an army for a faction opposing the Viet Minh (led by Diem, an Indo-Chinese Catholic) in the southern part of the colony, no one cares about.
Conniving Kennedy's role is completely forgiven, due to a "Magic Bullet."
When the US Destroyer Maddox and the USS Turner Joy first began shelling the coast of Viet Nam, it was in response to a sonar alert they perceived as an attack, which turned out to be each other's propeller beats, is also forgiven.