What's green and fuzzy and can kill you if it falls out of a tree?A pool table.
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:yawn:I regret reading this thread.
Quote from: RageBeoulve on November 24, 2008, 09:53:22 AM :yawn:I regret reading this thread.Rule of thumb: the closet nazi's threads aren't worth reading.
Ah german. Even though I can't read it, I am pretty sure that I would not be impressed by what it says.
You wouldn't make it. German is hard to learn and Swedish is even harder. Very few foreigners ever learn how to speak Swedish without a foreign accent.
And I really don't care to learn.
Den vapenvägrande "liberale" finnen som röstade på ett parti som införde en avlyssningslag som Stalin skulle avundas Sverige skriver däremot alltid läsvärt och, framförallt, ärligt.