Mirtazapine - anyone had any experience?
I went to the doctor today because I wanted to make sure I was clear of chlamydia which I had treatment for in September. I also wanted to get my hepatitis B injections, as the STI screen showed I was suprisingly free of antibodies. While I was at the doctors I thought I should try to get some more drugs, as you do.
I've quit smoking a few days ago and was wondering if there was some kind of anti-anxiety medication I could take to help deal with social situations. I'm a social chain-smoker. I mentioned that I felt much more at ease and felt like smoking less whilst on zoloft last year, but didn't want to deal with the mania again. I requested small doses of valium (rather naiively). Doc wasn't keen on giving me a drug of dependence.
So, we came back to anti-depressants. Reading a little about mirtazapine (wiki) it looks like it has some similar properties to the SSRI I was on (notably the anti-OCD and anti-anxiety properties) but it will actually help me sleep! AWESOME!!!
I'm not sure I really need it though. I'm not depressed like I was last year, and not a big fan of popping pills. Well actually that's a lie, I love taking recreational drugs, but that's much more controlable and situation-specific. On that point, it doesn't seem as though mirtazapine has any contra-indications, nor does it affect the serotonin system in the same way as SSRIs as to reduce the effectiveness of serotonin-like drugs (MDxx, LSD etc.)
I probably seem fucked in the head because I'd prefer to have occasional psychedelic experiences rather than long-term stability, but that's what my passion is, it's the culture I'm a part of. I don't need it but I want to keep experimenting with my brain for a little while yet. God I really am fucked up