In the Philippines they say "Christmas starts with the Bers".
By that they mean that the decorations go up at the start of September.
I am actually a little bit sad. My daughter still believes in Santa Claus. She may or may not still believe come December. Regardless, this will almost certainly be the last Santa Claus Christmas. No more carrots left out on carefully labelled plates for each of the raindeer. No more cookies and milk left out for Santa.
I have always maintained that I don't believe in Santa Claus, never been one of those parents who tries to convince their kids that Santa Claus is real. Apart from the toys appearing on Xmas morning as if by magic.
I used to hate Christmas. It kind of reminds me too much of my own childhood. But.... I get the chance to make new experiences and new memories with my own family, my own children, try to give them memories that will make them happy in years to come. I do all the gift buying for the kids (my wife has no idea) and the cooking as well.
Last Christmas was a bit sad because one of my friends used to always come over for a Boxing Day feast with his family and he died last year (cancer, age 50). I tried to get his wife to come and bring her kids but she has gone into full hermit mode since he passed. Her brother (they are both as HFA, and eccentric, as heck) comes over on a different day with his girlfriend and I cook up a feast for them. One of my best friends used to come over as well but he lives in Thailand now with his family. I like to cook a turkey and roast vegetables and a big home-made pavlova with mango and passionfruit and pineapple.