I don't like it. It's got to be one of the biggest loads of bullshit I've ever known. Where to start...
The Santa Claus myth. It's a big tradition to fool little kids into believing some big fat-ass old man in a red suit is going to climb down the chimney and leave presents under the tree. That's right, start the gullibility tests when they're real young, and laugh at them later. I had it figured out as bullshit pretty early (around age six or seven), considering we didn't have a chimney, he'd have to visit millions of houses in one night, reindeer and sleighs don't fly (If they do, I want some of that anti-gravity technology for my special interests.), and why the fuck would he want to go to the trouble anyway? And then, anyone who dares burst the Santa Claus myth or refuse to dump it on their own kids is regarded as an asshole. From what I've heard, the red-suited Santa Claus character was made up by the Coca-Cola corporation for the purposes of advertising, and bears little or no resemblance to the actual Saint Nicholas.
Then there's the matter of how the institution now known as the Church picked a day other than Jesus of Nazareth's actual birthday on which to celebrate, just to displace a Pagan holiday and trick everyone into celebrating Christmas instead of Yule. I accept that it's human instinct to have a holiday at the start of winter so everyone can get drunk and happy, starting the winter off with a bang instead of getting all depressed, but let's please do it without the bullshit. (Now, the getting drunk part I like.)
Then there are the compulsory visits with as many relatives as possible, regardless of whether you even like them or not. Some relatives, I want nothing to do with and hope to never see again. (Like, for example, my horrible aunt and uncle who once tried to exorcise Satan from my cousin.) Now, those relatives who just use it as an excuse to get drunk, I don't mind seeing. (Pass the fucking eggnog, would you.)
And let's not forget the driving force that keeps the tradition going. That would be to boost sales of useless crap. You get guilt-tripped into buying a bunch of attic fodder for your relatives, blowing all your spare money in the process. They still use Christmas lists in my family, no matter how old you are. So, it's either ignore the call for a Christmas list, and get a bunch of junk you don't want. (Smile and pretend you like it, so you don't hurt anybody's feelings and get branded an asshole.) Or, like a greedy little schmuck, submit the list and let everyone see what a materialistic little shit you are. I'm not saying shit to anyone about my Amazon.com wish list until someone specifically asks for it. (I'll have to make sure it specifies lots of hentai and materials for other religions, like maybe some Voodoo manuals, some SubGenius books, and the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. And in the comments box, a remark in which I mention that I am an agnostic, to let the truth be known and to give the older Christian generations in the family a good shock.)