Author Topic: OBAMA WINS  (Read 12652 times)

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Offline Johnny

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« Reply #135 on: November 08, 2008, 11:08:07 AM »
don't you just love conspiracy theorists?  :laugh:




Unprecedented mobilization of millions of education voters underway

NEA launches new, multipronged communication blitz in 10 battleground states

our 3.2 million members


$600 million divbided by 3 million members of the NEA is $200 per member so it's not out of the question he received a large percentage of his funding from the NEA who have a vested interest in stopping the expansion of any alternative to public schools.
Try looking closer to $20 million, my friend :)


Individual contributions $579,178,033 91%
All from teachers? LMAO.
Under federal law, all contributions over $200 must be itemized and the donor's occupation and employer must be requested and disclosed, if provided. The Center uses that employer/occupation information to identify the donor's economic interest.


If you only want to see what you want to see, you miss the real story which is most of the money came from God only knows where and if you want to believe the teachers union wasn't interested in saving their own butts, you are free to do it and believe whatever other fairy tales you wish to believe.
People who have less than $200 dollars to donate perhaps, i.e. ordinary citizens. Think how many people that actually is if you divide through.

I did THINK, see above
$600 million divided by 3 million teachers is $200 each so it's perfectly possible the bulk of his funding came from the education machine because teach and her husband can both send in less than $200 and also use other family members names to donate money. So all it would take is around 20 to 25% of the teachers sending in around $1000 each and doing it under multiple family members names to keep it under $200 per donor to account for every cent Obama got from the supposedly little people.

so it is perfectly feasable most of his funding came from the education machine and large percentages of the people attending the rally's where feeding off education spending and all the groupies who fell for it's the revolt of the little people got snowed big time by a Big Business called education.

Offline Christopher McCandless

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« Reply #136 on: November 08, 2008, 11:14:22 AM »
don't you just love conspiracy theorists?  :laugh:




Unprecedented mobilization of millions of education voters underway

NEA launches new, multipronged communication blitz in 10 battleground states

our 3.2 million members


$600 million divbided by 3 million members of the NEA is $200 per member so it's not out of the question he received a large percentage of his funding from the NEA who have a vested interest in stopping the expansion of any alternative to public schools.
Try looking closer to $20 million, my friend :)


Individual contributions $579,178,033 91%
All from teachers? LMAO.
Under federal law, all contributions over $200 must be itemized and the donor's occupation and employer must be requested and disclosed, if provided. The Center uses that employer/occupation information to identify the donor's economic interest.


If you only want to see what you want to see, you miss the real story which is most of the money came from God only knows where and if you want to believe the teachers union wasn't interested in saving their own butts, you are free to do it and believe whatever other fairy tales you wish to believe.
People who have less than $200 dollars to donate perhaps, i.e. ordinary citizens. Think how many people that actually is if you divide through.

I did THINK, see above
$600 million divided by 3 million teachers is $200 each so it's perfectly possible the bulk of his funding came from the education machine because teach and her husband can both send in less than $200 and also use other family members names to donate money. So all it would take is around 20 to 25% of the teachers sending in around $1000 each and doing it under multiple family members names to keep it under $200 per donor to account for every cent Obama got from the supposedly little people.

so it is perfectly feasable most of his funding came from the education machine and large percentages of the people attending the rally's where feeding off education spending and all the groupies who fell for it's the revolt of the little people got snowed big time by a Big Business called education.
Ha - as if most US teachers have that amount of money to spare. Asides, even if your radical conspiracy theory is true - as of yet you have provided NO evidence, its a lot better than how McCain raised his money. A president having a vested interest in education is brilliant for the average citizen of the US. Just think - the next Sarah Palin might actually realise Africa is not a country.

Offline El

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« Reply #137 on: November 08, 2008, 11:16:14 AM »
He won't last long - any alterior agenda will result in a bullet in his head. Only a matter of time ...
I swear he is the first president to be projected to be assassinated before he even takes office. Really it was an election between Biden and Palin.
Why the fuck would we be able to successfully knock Obama off when we haven't been able to do so with Dubya???

I still say that the most compelling reason for each candidate's choice of running mate was to ensure they would NOT be assassinated.
LOL.  That's the best explanation I've heard yet- I'd actually heard it pointed out before that Cheeney is prolly the real reason Dubya's still alive and kicking.


I bet you're glad that you can finally take the US seriously as an egalitarian nation. Ol' Lincoln would be ejaculating liberty from heaven right now.

I felt that way for about half a day, and then I checked out the results of some of the propositions. Arizona, Florida, and California banned gay marriage. Arkansas banned unmarried(Take a guess at who this was aimed at) couples from adopting. I mean seriously, like those children really wanted parents that badly. Still a bunch of hypocrites we are. ::sighs::
I concur; the gay marriage bans were pretty shit on our part as a nation.  Also fucking ridiculous.  Either allow it or ban straight marriage.  Fucksake.  People are cruel, petty shitheads.

socialism works. true story.

In small groups, I might agree, but socialism in this country's political environment, defining the lives of almost three hundred million souls, we lose.
So do you, if you have life long investments in anything but bullion or gems.
Can anything 'work' broad-scale, though?  Our minds literally aren't built for living in a world this big; we're kind of wired to be in small groups.  Thing is, that's not exactly an option and won't be again barring apocalypse.

Why not just see what he does and watch what results it has? I don't see the point of speculating about whether he's "human" or not - of course he's going to be hiding things, of course he's presenting a public appearance to his advantage. Anyone under that much scrutiny would be an idiot not to. But if he changes even a few of the right things, he'll be doing better than the last guy.

the teachers could care less about the population being educated, they only care about being paid big bucks and to keep the money flowing
There's a tiny bit of truth in there, though I don't think it actually goes down to the individual level.  I do think most teachers have good intentions/feel that they are doing good/are, the way the world works now, performing a service which has been made necessary... but I also think the education system instills values that keep it going as a moneymaking machine- which is has the nearly unique ability to do (like a religion).  We value education because we have been taught to value it.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2008, 11:18:27 AM by PMS Elle »
it is well known that PMS Elle is evil.
I think you'd fit in a 12" or at least a 16" firework mortar
You win this thread because that's most unsettling to even think about.

Offline Johnny

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« Reply #138 on: November 08, 2008, 11:32:39 AM »
don't you just love conspiracy theorists?  :laugh:




Unprecedented mobilization of millions of education voters underway

NEA launches new, multipronged communication blitz in 10 battleground states

our 3.2 million members


$600 million divbided by 3 million members of the NEA is $200 per member so it's not out of the question he received a large percentage of his funding from the NEA who have a vested interest in stopping the expansion of any alternative to public schools.
Try looking closer to $20 million, my friend :)


Individual contributions $579,178,033 91%
All from teachers? LMAO.
Under federal law, all contributions over $200 must be itemized and the donor's occupation and employer must be requested and disclosed, if provided. The Center uses that employer/occupation information to identify the donor's economic interest.


If you only want to see what you want to see, you miss the real story which is most of the money came from God only knows where and if you want to believe the teachers union wasn't interested in saving their own butts, you are free to do it and believe whatever other fairy tales you wish to believe.
People who have less than $200 dollars to donate perhaps, i.e. ordinary citizens. Think how many people that actually is if you divide through.

I did THINK, see above
$600 million divided by 3 million teachers is $200 each so it's perfectly possible the bulk of his funding came from the education machine because teach and her husband can both send in less than $200 and also use other family members names to donate money. So all it would take is around 20 to 25% of the teachers sending in around $1000 each and doing it under multiple family members names to keep it under $200 per donor to account for every cent Obama got from the supposedly little people.

so it is perfectly feasable most of his funding came from the education machine and large percentages of the people attending the rally's where feeding off education spending and all the groupies who fell for it's the revolt of the little people got snowed big time by a Big Business called education.
Ha - as if most US teachers have that amount of money to spare. Asides, even if your radical conspiracy theory is true - as of yet you have provided NO evidence, its a lot better than how McCain raised his money. A president having a vested interest in education is brilliant for the average citizen of the US. Just think - the next Sarah Palin might actually realise Africa is not a country.

it doesn't take most current public school teachers, it takes some of them , some retired ones and some people in the college system to do it.

It can't be proven any more than global warming can be proven, it's just based on theory is it possible, some people can say no way and others can say it's possible. Neither side can prove their case.

People are entitled to their opinion more money will improve education and than there is the fact we have been throwing more & more money at it for decades and it's gotten no better. A rational person would conclude it's time to try something else because we aren't getting anywhere so the problem must be something else, a moron would keep throwing good money after bad and expect a different result.

Offline Johnny

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« Reply #139 on: November 08, 2008, 11:46:58 AM »
He won't last long - any alterior agenda will result in a bullet in his head. Only a matter of time ...
I swear he is the first president to be projected to be assassinated before he even takes office. Really it was an election between Biden and Palin.
Why the fuck would we be able to successfully knock Obama off when we haven't been able to do so with Dubya???

I still say that the most compelling reason for each candidate's choice of running mate was to ensure they would NOT be assassinated.
LOL.  That's the best explanation I've heard yet- I'd actually heard it pointed out before that Cheeney is prolly the real reason Dubya's still alive and kicking.


I bet you're glad that you can finally take the US seriously as an egalitarian nation. Ol' Lincoln would be ejaculating liberty from heaven right now.

I felt that way for about half a day, and then I checked out the results of some of the propositions. Arizona, Florida, and California banned gay marriage. Arkansas banned unmarried(Take a guess at who this was aimed at) couples from adopting. I mean seriously, like those children really wanted parents that badly. Still a bunch of hypocrites we are. ::sighs::
I concur; the gay marriage bans were pretty shit on our part as a nation.  Also fucking ridiculous.  Either allow it or ban straight marriage.  Fucksake.  People are cruel, petty shitheads.

socialism works. true story.

In small groups, I might agree, but socialism in this country's political environment, defining the lives of almost three hundred million souls, we lose.
So do you, if you have life long investments in anything but bullion or gems.
Can anything 'work' broad-scale, though?  Our minds literally aren't built for living in a world this big; we're kind of wired to be in small groups.  Thing is, that's not exactly an option and won't be again barring apocalypse.

Why not just see what he does and watch what results it has? I don't see the point of speculating about whether he's "human" or not - of course he's going to be hiding things, of course he's presenting a public appearance to his advantage. Anyone under that much scrutiny would be an idiot not to. But if he changes even a few of the right things, he'll be doing better than the last guy.

the teachers could care less about the population being educated, they only care about being paid big bucks and to keep the money flowing
There's a tiny bit of truth in there, though I don't think it actually goes down to the individual level.  I do think most teachers have good intentions/feel that they are doing good/are, the way the world works now, performing a service which has been made necessary... but I also think the education system instills values that keep it going as a moneymaking machine- which is has the nearly unique ability to do (like a religion).  We value education because we have been taught to value it.

each teacher does there job, it's the overall system that is messed up.
My former towns grammer school spent $3,000 per student on the wages for the teachers who had assigned classes of students. Now where did the rest of the like $15,000 per student go ?

the town I'm living in now sent out the budget for the jr high/high school only half of it went to fund the science,math,english,history type departments and some guy added up the number of school employee's per student and they had 1 employee per 5 students.

people come unglued if anyone complains about the education machine like it's a direct attack on Ms Smith the classroom teacher, most of the teachers are falling for the propaganda from the education machine also and become defensive if anyone dares complain like it's a personal attack on them.

Reality is the country could find people to teach grammer school and classes like art & gym & music cheap, so there is no reason at all to pay the same wages that are needed to attract secondary school math & science teachers to everyone. In the real world if somebody didn't like the wages being paid to deliver pizza's they would go to truck driving school to make more money driving. In Mr Rogers neighborhood of school houses there is no reason to up ones skills from gym teacher to physics teacher because it pays the same money.

Offline Christopher McCandless

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« Reply #140 on: November 08, 2008, 12:06:11 PM »
don't you just love conspiracy theorists?  :laugh:




Unprecedented mobilization of millions of education voters underway

NEA launches new, multipronged communication blitz in 10 battleground states

our 3.2 million members


$600 million divbided by 3 million members of the NEA is $200 per member so it's not out of the question he received a large percentage of his funding from the NEA who have a vested interest in stopping the expansion of any alternative to public schools.
Try looking closer to $20 million, my friend :)


Individual contributions $579,178,033 91%
All from teachers? LMAO.
Under federal law, all contributions over $200 must be itemized and the donor's occupation and employer must be requested and disclosed, if provided. The Center uses that employer/occupation information to identify the donor's economic interest.


If you only want to see what you want to see, you miss the real story which is most of the money came from God only knows where and if you want to believe the teachers union wasn't interested in saving their own butts, you are free to do it and believe whatever other fairy tales you wish to believe.
People who have less than $200 dollars to donate perhaps, i.e. ordinary citizens. Think how many people that actually is if you divide through.

I did THINK, see above
$600 million divided by 3 million teachers is $200 each so it's perfectly possible the bulk of his funding came from the education machine because teach and her husband can both send in less than $200 and also use other family members names to donate money. So all it would take is around 20 to 25% of the teachers sending in around $1000 each and doing it under multiple family members names to keep it under $200 per donor to account for every cent Obama got from the supposedly little people.

so it is perfectly feasable most of his funding came from the education machine and large percentages of the people attending the rally's where feeding off education spending and all the groupies who fell for it's the revolt of the little people got snowed big time by a Big Business called education.
Ha - as if most US teachers have that amount of money to spare. Asides, even if your radical conspiracy theory is true - as of yet you have provided NO evidence, its a lot better than how McCain raised his money. A president having a vested interest in education is brilliant for the average citizen of the US. Just think - the next Sarah Palin might actually realise Africa is not a country.

it doesn't take most current public school teachers, it takes some of them , some retired ones and some people in the college system to do it.
Just how many teachers are there in the US (+ 20% for those on their pensions)? Let alone those with $1000 set aside to elect Obama. I think you are being very unrealistic imo.
It can't be proven any more than global warming can be proven, it's just based on theory is it possible, some people can say no way and others can say it's possible. Neither side can prove their case.
For Global Warming there is plenty of scientific evidence out there - even Bush now accepts it. You haven't provided a shred of evidence.
People are entitled to their opinion more money will improve education and than there is the fact we have been throwing more & more money at it for decades and it's gotten no better. A rational person would conclude it's time to try something else because we aren't getting anywhere so the problem must be something else, a moron would keep throwing good money after bad and expect a different result.
Most of the money supposedly going into education actually goes into Research - I assume you are referring to the ridiculously overpriced college degrees? Its the primary and secondary education that is important, here education needs serious funding.

Offline El

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« Reply #141 on: November 08, 2008, 01:19:05 PM »
There's a tiny bit of truth in there, though I don't think it actually goes down to the individual level.  I do think most teachers have good intentions/feel that they are doing good/are, the way the world works now, performing a service which has been made necessary... but I also think the education system instills values that keep it going as a moneymaking machine- which is has the nearly unique ability to do (like a religion).  We value education because we have been taught to value it.

each teacher does there job, it's the overall system that is messed up.
My former towns grammer school spent $3,000 per student on the wages for the teachers who had assigned classes of students. Now where did the rest of the like $15,000 per student go ?

the town I'm living in now sent out the budget for the jr high/high school only half of it went to fund the science,math,english,history type departments and some guy added up the number of school employee's per student and they had 1 employee per 5 students.

people come unglued if anyone complains about the education machine like it's a direct attack on Ms Smith the classroom teacher, most of the teachers are falling for the propaganda from the education machine also and become defensive if anyone dares complain like it's a personal attack on them.

Reality is the country could find people to teach grammer school and classes like art & gym & music cheap, so there is no reason at all to pay the same wages that are needed to attract secondary school math & science teachers to everyone. In the real world if somebody didn't like the wages being paid to deliver pizza's they would go to truck driving school to make more money driving. In Mr Rogers neighborhood of school houses there is no reason to up ones skills from gym teacher to physics teacher because it pays the same money.
Again, can't really disagree.  Not to mention the fact that the relative uselessness of some aspects of the educational system in America have been exacerbated to a ridiculous degree with the way we've been implimenting standardized testing- even if you take that away you'd have trouble getting me to buy the real-world value of "things everybody should know" because "it makes them a better person to know them," which is a lot of what you get particularly in high school and liberal arts colleges from what I have seen.  Throw bullshit like teaching specifically to make students able to pass the MCAS or SATs ('teaching to the test') and I find it really hard to imagine NOT agreeing that our educational system teaches us a lot of things at our expense in order to serve and perpetuate itself; or at the very least (if that's not a conclusion you draw when you think about it), that some parts of it SUCK BALLS.

Though, this is a personal rant that I'm easily dragged off on (especially since reading Pedagogy of the Oppressed), and has pretty much nothing to do with Obama.

it is well known that PMS Elle is evil.
I think you'd fit in a 12" or at least a 16" firework mortar
You win this thread because that's most unsettling to even think about.

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« Reply #142 on: November 08, 2008, 02:50:18 PM »
Please don't start on teachers their job is hard enough as it is no matter what you think and it hasn't been until recently they have been paid comparability for what is required of them.  BTW little self interest here as that is what my wife does :P

will another $20,000 a year change anything ? No the job will still be the same and the end result still the same. The underlying dysfunction in families still exsists, the lower the income in a school district the worse it is.

using the same logic to fix trucking wages need to be raised, wouldn't solve the problems at all, just cost more for stuff. If they where all union production would fall along wilth quality when almost no matter what they did, they couldn't be fired for it.

yes there are millions of people like you with self interest, hey that is the way it goes, nothing personal but I also have a self interest ME.
You get health care insurance threw your wife so can underbid other guys on work and depending on your lifestyle and mortgage you could very well have a zero stress business if your wifes income pays the basic bills and yours is just icing on the cake.

I competed for wages against people I called hobby truckers, it's not in my best interest trying to earn a living going against guys who live off their wives income and just wanted to skim off the cake work in trucking by offering to do it cheap with no benefits.

That's more of an issue of affordable heath care than teachers being paid for what they do.
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

'People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.'
George Bernard Shaw

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« Reply #143 on: November 08, 2008, 03:33:05 PM »
Your guy is on the oil industry payroll but you worry about teachers. ::)

 what is the differance between getting ripped off by exxon stockholders and NEA stockholders ? Could it be anyone can get in on the action with exxon for less than $100 a share and only those wealthy enough to buy their way into the teachers country club get big dividends like a huge salary for a part time job and lavish benefits while people are forced by law to pay for their crap product even if they don't use it.

Teachers are less interested in starting wars to build new pipelines. You lose.

I don't loss, i win if a pipeline is built. it helps my lifestyle. I gain nothing throwing money at the education machine beside funding a lavish lifestyle for Parts at my exspense.

So glad if offing a few thousand civilians half a globe away helps sustain your lifestyle. Who needs Al Qaeda with the likes of you around.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Offline DirtDawg

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« Reply #144 on: November 08, 2008, 03:41:53 PM »
Your guy is on the oil industry payroll but you worry about teachers. ::)


I am wondering if they will take all the "Ws" from the all the Whitehouse computer keyboards when they leave.

(aside from that, the gas war is won - for a short time - gas is $1.79, now.  :D)
Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

The end result of life's daily pain and suffering, trials and failures, tears and laughter, readings and listenings is an accumulation of wisdom in its purest form.

Offline Johnny

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« Reply #145 on: November 08, 2008, 06:47:49 PM »
don't you just love conspiracy theorists?  :laugh:




Unprecedented mobilization of millions of education voters underway

NEA launches new, multipronged communication blitz in 10 battleground states

our 3.2 million members


$600 million divbided by 3 million members of the NEA is $200 per member so it's not out of the question he received a large percentage of his funding from the NEA who have a vested interest in stopping the expansion of any alternative to public schools.
Try looking closer to $20 million, my friend :)


Individual contributions $579,178,033 91%
All from teachers? LMAO.
Under federal law, all contributions over $200 must be itemized and the donor's occupation and employer must be requested and disclosed, if provided. The Center uses that employer/occupation information to identify the donor's economic interest.


If you only want to see what you want to see, you miss the real story which is most of the money came from God only knows where and if you want to believe the teachers union wasn't interested in saving their own butts, you are free to do it and believe whatever other fairy tales you wish to believe.
People who have less than $200 dollars to donate perhaps, i.e. ordinary citizens. Think how many people that actually is if you divide through.

I did THINK, see above
$600 million divided by 3 million teachers is $200 each so it's perfectly possible the bulk of his funding came from the education machine because teach and her husband can both send in less than $200 and also use other family members names to donate money. So all it would take is around 20 to 25% of the teachers sending in around $1000 each and doing it under multiple family members names to keep it under $200 per donor to account for every cent Obama got from the supposedly little people.

so it is perfectly feasable most of his funding came from the education machine and large percentages of the people attending the rally's where feeding off education spending and all the groupies who fell for it's the revolt of the little people got snowed big time by a Big Business called education.
Ha - as if most US teachers have that amount of money to spare. Asides, even if your radical conspiracy theory is true - as of yet you have provided NO evidence, its a lot better than how McCain raised his money. A president having a vested interest in education is brilliant for the average citizen of the US. Just think - the next Sarah Palin might actually realise Africa is not a country.

it doesn't take most current public school teachers, it takes some of them , some retired ones and some people in the college system to do it.
Just how many teachers are there in the US (+ 20% for those on their pensions)? Let alone those with $1000 set aside to elect Obama. I think you are being very unrealistic imo.
It can't be proven any more than global warming can be proven, it's just based on theory is it possible, some people can say no way and others can say it's possible. Neither side can prove their case.
For Global Warming there is plenty of scientific evidence out there - even Bush now accepts it. You haven't provided a shred of evidence.
People are entitled to their opinion more money will improve education and than there is the fact we have been throwing more & more money at it for decades and it's gotten no better. A rational person would conclude it's time to try something else because we aren't getting anywhere so the problem must be something else, a moron would keep throwing good money after bad and expect a different result.
Most of the money supposedly going into education actually goes into Research - I assume you are referring to the ridiculously overpriced college degrees? Its the primary and secondary education that is important, here education needs serious funding.

the last town i lived in had about 500 teachers and 60,000 people, so it was almost 1% plus private schools so probably 1% of the population teaches  school and private school teachers have a vested interest in only teaching the civilized children, so they are surely game to keep the same system going.

so with 300 million people in the country 1% of them is 3 million or right around the number of members the NEA claims to have.

according to studies private school cost are around $6,000 a year and public school costs are around $9,000, now if you believe more money is the answer try washington DC or New york Schools, they fund them at more than double the national average.

go to a school board meeting and ask them what percentage of the budget is spent on sports ?

Offline Johnny

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« Reply #146 on: November 08, 2008, 07:20:30 PM »
Please don't start on teachers their job is hard enough as it is no matter what you think and it hasn't been until recently they have been paid comparability for what is required of them.  BTW little self interest here as that is what my wife does :P

will another $20,000 a year change anything ? No the job will still be the same and the end result still the same. The underlying dysfunction in families still exsists, the lower the income in a school district the worse it is.

using the same logic to fix trucking wages need to be raised, wouldn't solve the problems at all, just cost more for stuff. If they where all union production would fall along wilth quality when almost no matter what they did, they couldn't be fired for it.

yes there are millions of people like you with self interest, hey that is the way it goes, nothing personal but I also have a self interest ME.
You get health care insurance threw your wife so can underbid other guys on work and depending on your lifestyle and mortgage you could very well have a zero stress business if your wifes income pays the basic bills and yours is just icing on the cake.

I competed for wages against people I called hobby truckers, it's not in my best interest trying to earn a living going against guys who live off their wives income and just wanted to skim off the cake work in trucking by offering to do it cheap with no benefits.

That's more of an issue of affordable heath care than teachers being paid for what they do.

because just like education people fight against change, we have an out dated health care system that evolved decades ago in a different enviroment

most people believe they are underpaid for what they do, it's irrelavent what they think they are worth if somebody will do it for the same wage or less than they are getting paid what the market will pay.
we can't have a split society where SOME people are protected special people while everyone else has to compete for wages or it becomes an us versus them society. The end results with systems like that are usually very ugly when those not protected revolt.

Give it time with Obama not being able to deliver to the underclass and watch them turn on him. Lots of people really believe he is going to wave a magic wand and they will be getting good wages & benefits at their McJobs.

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« Reply #147 on: November 08, 2008, 07:24:55 PM »
his speech was good. :orly:

It was.
He also headed off some of his critics, by calling himself a "mutt."  Took too long to set that up, but it was an interesting Reagan-esque touch.

how was he reagan-esque? did he call himself a mutt? :P or did nancy?

i liked that for the first time listening to an american president speak, i actually mostly understood what he was saying... when bush spoke it was always avoidant circular crap that made no sense. :zombiefuck:

He said (after a long, drawn out dialogue, which seemed well practiced, about all the allergies in his household) that they will probably not find a purebred dog they could keep, instead they will have to find a mutt, "...like me,"  to be the Obama Whitehouse dog.

... but you're right. Instead of being avoidant of issues, he completely avoided any comment on the actual issues. Which is fine, since his time has not yet come.

For one who gave a good speech, today, was GHWB, present,  lame duck occupant of the Whitehouse, when he gave Obama his greatest blessing and (frighteningly) said he would do all he could with the economy in the next two months to help our new president hit the ground running.


It was very powerful for those who believe him, still.
Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

The end result of life's daily pain and suffering, trials and failures, tears and laughter, readings and listenings is an accumulation of wisdom in its purest form.

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« Reply #148 on: November 08, 2008, 07:32:02 PM »
Please don't start on teachers their job is hard enough as it is no matter what you think and it hasn't been until recently they have been paid comparability for what is required of them.  BTW little self interest here as that is what my wife does :P

will another $20,000 a year change anything ? No the job will still be the same and the end result still the same. The underlying dysfunction in families still exsists, the lower the income in a school district the worse it is.

using the same logic to fix trucking wages need to be raised, wouldn't solve the problems at all, just cost more for stuff. If they where all union production would fall along wilth quality when almost no matter what they did, they couldn't be fired for it.

yes there are millions of people like you with self interest, hey that is the way it goes, nothing personal but I also have a self interest ME.
You get health care insurance threw your wife so can underbid other guys on work and depending on your lifestyle and mortgage you could very well have a zero stress business if your wifes income pays the basic bills and yours is just icing on the cake.

I competed for wages against people I called hobby truckers, it's not in my best interest trying to earn a living going against guys who live off their wives income and just wanted to skim off the cake work in trucking by offering to do it cheap with no benefits.

That's more of an issue of affordable heath care than teachers being paid for what they do.

because just like education people fight against change, we have an out dated health care system that evolved decades ago in a different enviroment

most people believe they are underpaid for what they do, it's irrelavent what they think they are worth if somebody will do it for the same wage or less than they are getting paid what the market will pay.
we can't have a split society where SOME people are protected special people while everyone else has to compete for wages or it becomes an us versus them society. The end results with systems like that are usually very ugly when those not protected revolt.

Give it time with Obama not being able to deliver to the underclass and watch them turn on him. Lots of people really believe he is going to wave a magic wand and they will be getting good wages & benefits at their McJobs.

OK, Johnny!

I'm still trying to get to know you here. You sound like as much of a mix of extremism from both sides, left and right, conservative and liberal, as I am.

Try to answer this question.

Using 20/20 hindsight to the best of your ability, which ten presidents in all of US history would you most proudly claim to have supported?

Copy my question and the subsequent answer to your "ask away thread"  if you have one.
Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

The end result of life's daily pain and suffering, trials and failures, tears and laughter, readings and listenings is an accumulation of wisdom in its purest form.

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« Reply #149 on: November 08, 2008, 08:49:15 PM »
Oh yes I have that lavish lifestyle want to trade you can live here in Ct and I'll go up where you are.   The whole system is fucked pay, insurance,education.  I just wish it would all go away but I have to do what I can to survive.   Give me about 5 or 10 acres I'd do my best to be self sufficient that's my goal as a lavish lifestyle but for now I strive for that goal.   
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George Bernard Shaw