Author Topic: OBAMA WINS  (Read 12645 times)

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Offline SovaNu

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« Reply #120 on: November 07, 2008, 09:47:45 PM »
his speech was good. :orly:
"I think everybody has an asshole component to their personality. It's just a matter of how much you indulge it. Those who do it often form a habit. So like any addiction, you have to learn to overcome it."
~Lord Phlexor

"Sometimes stepping on one's own dick is a memorable learning experience."

"We are all the sum of our tears. Too little and the ground is not fertile and nothing can grow there; too much, the best of us is washed away."


Offline DirtDawg

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« Reply #121 on: November 07, 2008, 11:59:21 PM »
Noop, it is that effect from without that makes me feel that I have been nuked.

Those spotlights you noticed were deliberately placed, sometimes in chore, with an expectation of finding those with parallel experiences from which I might gain register by being witness to others' attempts at leveling their own compasses. I've said that before, several different ways. It pangs me a bit that my mean of arrival is not acceptable to some.
I don't feel a sense of having choked in hesitation or having stumbled short of the venture after as many posts as I've jostled together from the shavings of my mind. I feel more often that I have slogged past the boundary of mapped points once again and, finding myself beyond the periphery continually, I conclude that the perilous margins I've recklessly tromped are almost infinite when compared to the charted ways.

With those kind of natural resources at your fingertips, then, it's a crime that there aren't greater parallels. I'm anchored well on the sane side of reality right now, because I'm manning a lighthouse to call the lost back, but the horizon beckons.

The laughing bit was my own embarrassment at having admired the power in your images from a distance and then stumbled over myself to meet them in depth, when all that was missing were a few twists of words.

*melodramatic sigh, shakes head*

Twisting a few words until they lean with snarling tension against each other on the page is just another failure for me, then. Sometimes my expressive goal is to wring words 'til their resins catalyze into mental sculpture with dimensional qualities which free them from the bonds of the page.

Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

The end result of life's daily pain and suffering, trials and failures, tears and laughter, readings and listenings is an accumulation of wisdom in its purest form.

Offline DirtDawg

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« Reply #122 on: November 08, 2008, 12:29:32 AM »
his speech was good. :orly:

It was.
He also headed off some of his critics, by calling himself a "mutt."  Took too long to set that up, but it was an interesting Reagan-esque touch.
Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

The end result of life's daily pain and suffering, trials and failures, tears and laughter, readings and listenings is an accumulation of wisdom in its purest form.

Offline Lucifer

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« Reply #123 on: November 08, 2008, 03:25:03 AM »
don't you just love conspiracy theorists?  :laugh:



Unprecedented mobilization of millions of education voters underway

NEA launches new, multipronged communication blitz in 10 battleground states

our 3.2 million members

$600 million divbided by 3 million members of the NEA is $200 per member so it's not out of the question he received a large percentage of his funding from the NEA who have a vested interest in stopping the expansion of any alternative to public schools.

that's not how to conduct a debate, dear:  you have to lay out your arguments, and back them up with references, not expect the oppo to read screeds of histrionic piffle, thereby doing all the work.

try again, pet.  :-*

Offline Christopher McCandless

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« Reply #124 on: November 08, 2008, 03:44:25 AM »
don't you just love conspiracy theorists?  :laugh:



Unprecedented mobilization of millions of education voters underway

NEA launches new, multipronged communication blitz in 10 battleground states

our 3.2 million members

$600 million divbided by 3 million members of the NEA is $200 per member so it's not out of the question he received a large percentage of his funding from the NEA who have a vested interest in stopping the expansion of any alternative to public schools.
Try looking closer to $20 million, my friend :)

Offline SovaNu

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« Reply #125 on: November 08, 2008, 07:13:36 AM »
his speech was good. :orly:

It was.
He also headed off some of his critics, by calling himself a "mutt."  Took too long to set that up, but it was an interesting Reagan-esque touch.

how was he reagan-esque? did he call himself a mutt? :P or did nancy?

i liked that for the first time listening to an american president speak, i actually mostly understood what he was saying... when bush spoke it was always avoidant circular crap that made no sense. :zombiefuck:
"I think everybody has an asshole component to their personality. It's just a matter of how much you indulge it. Those who do it often form a habit. So like any addiction, you have to learn to overcome it."
~Lord Phlexor

"Sometimes stepping on one's own dick is a memorable learning experience."

"We are all the sum of our tears. Too little and the ground is not fertile and nothing can grow there; too much, the best of us is washed away."


Offline Johnny

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« Reply #126 on: November 08, 2008, 08:22:01 AM »
don't you just love conspiracy theorists?  :laugh:



Unprecedented mobilization of millions of education voters underway

NEA launches new, multipronged communication blitz in 10 battleground states

our 3.2 million members

$600 million divbided by 3 million members of the NEA is $200 per member so it's not out of the question he received a large percentage of his funding from the NEA who have a vested interest in stopping the expansion of any alternative to public schools.

that's not how to conduct a debate, dear:  you have to lay out your arguments, and back them up with references, not expect the oppo to read screeds of histrionic piffle, thereby doing all the work.

try again, pet.  :-*

There is no record of where the small donations came from because nobdoy is required to list their occupation and even if they where who is going to verify millions of small donations.

if you can't look at the NEA's own website and come to a conclusion they went all out to back the guy for president, there is nothing much I can add to it to convince you when I don't have access to every donation that came in or the ability to do a back ground check on everyone who sent in a small donation.

some people are able to put two and two together and come to a rational conclusion, others are boneheads and don't want to hear something that blows their theory to hell that the average joe & jane put the guy in office.

If you want to go on believing you weren't suckered by the education industry to vote for their bought and paid for man, have at it. I could care less what you believe and will do what I need to do to beat the system no matter what it is.

The education industry is a price gouging near monopoly to benefit it's shareholders which are the people employed by the education machine that deliver a shit product for a high price, if you don't think you aren't a sucker getting ripped off for a shit product,  enjoy your thoughts about it while throwing a hissy fit about exxon/mobil ripping you off.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2008, 08:52:19 AM by Johnny »

Offline Johnny

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« Reply #127 on: November 08, 2008, 08:35:59 AM »
don't you just love conspiracy theorists?  :laugh:



Unprecedented mobilization of millions of education voters underway

NEA launches new, multipronged communication blitz in 10 battleground states

our 3.2 million members

$600 million divbided by 3 million members of the NEA is $200 per member so it's not out of the question he received a large percentage of his funding from the NEA who have a vested interest in stopping the expansion of any alternative to public schools.
Try looking closer to $20 million, my friend :)

Individual contributions $579,178,033 91%

Under federal law, all contributions over $200 must be itemized and the donor's occupation and employer must be requested and disclosed, if provided. The Center uses that employer/occupation information to identify the donor's economic interest.

If you only want to see what you want to see, you miss the real story which is most of the money came from God only knows where and if you want to believe the teachers union wasn't interested in saving their own butts, you are free to do it and believe whatever other fairy tales you wish to believe.

Offline odeon

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« Reply #128 on: November 08, 2008, 09:05:51 AM »
Your guy is on the oil industry payroll but you worry about teachers. ::)
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Offline Johnny

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« Reply #129 on: November 08, 2008, 09:27:09 AM »
Your guy is on the oil industry payroll but you worry about teachers. ::)

 what is the differance between getting ripped off by exxon stockholders and NEA stockholders ? Could it be anyone can get in on the action with exxon for less than $100 a share and only those wealthy enough to buy their way into the teachers country club get big dividends like a huge salary for a part time job and lavish benefits while people are forced by law to pay for their crap product even if they don't use it.

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« Reply #130 on: November 08, 2008, 09:51:00 AM »
Please don't start on teachers their job is hard enough as it is no matter what you think and it hasn't been until recently they have been paid comparability for what is required of them.  BTW little self interest here as that is what my wife does :P
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

'People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.'
George Bernard Shaw

Offline Christopher McCandless

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« Reply #131 on: November 08, 2008, 10:02:44 AM »
don't you just love conspiracy theorists?  :laugh:



Unprecedented mobilization of millions of education voters underway

NEA launches new, multipronged communication blitz in 10 battleground states

our 3.2 million members

$600 million divbided by 3 million members of the NEA is $200 per member so it's not out of the question he received a large percentage of his funding from the NEA who have a vested interest in stopping the expansion of any alternative to public schools.
Try looking closer to $20 million, my friend :)

Individual contributions $579,178,033 91%
All from teachers? LMAO.
Under federal law, all contributions over $200 must be itemized and the donor's occupation and employer must be requested and disclosed, if provided. The Center uses that employer/occupation information to identify the donor's economic interest.

If you only want to see what you want to see, you miss the real story which is most of the money came from God only knows where and if you want to believe the teachers union wasn't interested in saving their own butts, you are free to do it and believe whatever other fairy tales you wish to believe.
People who have less than $200 dollars to donate perhaps, i.e. ordinary citizens. Think how many people that actually is if you divide through.

Offline odeon

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« Reply #132 on: November 08, 2008, 10:20:21 AM »
Your guy is on the oil industry payroll but you worry about teachers. ::)

 what is the differance between getting ripped off by exxon stockholders and NEA stockholders ? Could it be anyone can get in on the action with exxon for less than $100 a share and only those wealthy enough to buy their way into the teachers country club get big dividends like a huge salary for a part time job and lavish benefits while people are forced by law to pay for their crap product even if they don't use it.

Teachers are less interested in starting wars to build new pipelines. You lose.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline Johnny

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« Reply #133 on: November 08, 2008, 10:52:24 AM »
Please don't start on teachers their job is hard enough as it is no matter what you think and it hasn't been until recently they have been paid comparability for what is required of them.  BTW little self interest here as that is what my wife does :P

will another $20,000 a year change anything ? No the job will still be the same and the end result still the same. The underlying dysfunction in families still exsists, the lower the income in a school district the worse it is.

using the same logic to fix trucking wages need to be raised, wouldn't solve the problems at all, just cost more for stuff. If they where all union production would fall along wilth quality when almost no matter what they did, they couldn't be fired for it.

yes there are millions of people like you with self interest, hey that is the way it goes, nothing personal but I also have a self interest ME.
You get health care insurance threw your wife so can underbid other guys on work and depending on your lifestyle and mortgage you could very well have a zero stress business if your wifes income pays the basic bills and yours is just icing on the cake.

I competed for wages against people I called hobby truckers, it's not in my best interest trying to earn a living going against guys who live off their wives income and just wanted to skim off the cake work in trucking by offering to do it cheap with no benefits.

« Last Edit: November 08, 2008, 11:19:53 AM by Johnny »

Offline Johnny

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« Reply #134 on: November 08, 2008, 10:55:55 AM »
Your guy is on the oil industry payroll but you worry about teachers. ::)

 what is the differance between getting ripped off by exxon stockholders and NEA stockholders ? Could it be anyone can get in on the action with exxon for less than $100 a share and only those wealthy enough to buy their way into the teachers country club get big dividends like a huge salary for a part time job and lavish benefits while people are forced by law to pay for their crap product even if they don't use it.

Teachers are less interested in starting wars to build new pipelines. You lose.

I don't loss, i win if a pipeline is built. it helps my lifestyle. I gain nothing throwing money at the education machine beside funding a lavish lifestyle for Parts at my exspense.