Please don't start on teachers their job is hard enough as it is no matter what you think and it hasn't been until recently they have been paid comparability for what is required of them. BTW little self interest here as that is what my wife does 
will another $20,000 a year change anything ? No the job will still be the same and the end result still the same. The underlying dysfunction in families still exsists, the lower the income in a school district the worse it is.
using the same logic to fix trucking wages need to be raised, wouldn't solve the problems at all, just cost more for stuff. If they where all union production would fall along wilth quality when almost no matter what they did, they couldn't be fired for it.
yes there are millions of people like you with self interest, hey that is the way it goes, nothing personal but I also have a self interest ME.
You get health care insurance threw your wife so can underbid other guys on work and depending on your lifestyle and mortgage you could very well have a zero stress business if your wifes income pays the basic bills and yours is just icing on the cake.
I competed for wages against people I called hobby truckers, it's not in my best interest trying to earn a living going against guys who live off their wives income and just wanted to skim off the cake work in trucking by offering to do it cheap with no benefits.