Same shit, new package. Hasn't been a decent president in the US since Teddy Roosevelt.
Though there hasn't been a decent Swedish leader since Charles XII. 
I had hope Obama would be another Teddy Roosevelt type but lost that hope during the summer as it came out he was just another flaming liberal poverty pimp.
The guy don't seem to have a clue imports & illegal immigrants are killing the country and almost all the rest of the problems are tied to that. The breakdown ofthe family and health care from employers is tied to it. The school problems are tied to it, it's all about money in the average family.
The working class was sold out for decades and the upper middle class lived the good life at everyone elses exspense.
Steve Urkel seems to think if he redistributes a few dollars from Bob to Bill all will be better, Bill needs a job with dignity to take care of his family so his children will hold their heads high and his wife won't divorce him, not no fucking government handout.