This is why I support prenatal abortion in cases of autism.
You say I dont get it and that you want to point out the irony, but your yet to address your own psychotic reasoning for this entire callout.
and just in case I start my own backwards retarded psychobabble, the jokes on you hypno! I was just taking the piss the entire time! See how easy that is, validating everything Ive ever said because I MEANT it to make no sense.
sorry if my posts are "pseudo intellectual" go back and graduate college, they will start to make more sense, or come to a mensa meeting, we can talk about it there.
such a little bitch aswell, troll my posts, call me out just to piss me off just cause your crying over my response to your "blatant trolling" and then pull out of the event with an excuse.
have fun playing the music alphabet game or posting how you wasted your life today, dont fault me for not participating.

for copping out of the callout