If I miss a day or 2 without my caffeine I start to get migraines. takes another day or 2 for them to go away after I start drinking it again.
Sounds like dependency, although I could be wrong, I think its more important that your ok. One must not loose sight of the bigger picture, and argue over details too much. Just because my therapist didn't tell me what I want to hear, doesn't mean I didn't listen. He said to get in the habit of stepping back, like not loosing sight over the bigger picture. My mom "likes" to argue alot. The boyfriend probably agrees for sex, but also because she its best not get her going. I try to find the one objective thing I can say about the whole situation that is not something either one of us can argue about when she does it with me. Instead of arguing about confusion in the time a pizza place is open, I made a comment that only they would know in the end. Their was a free pizza envolved, but I don't know how better safe than sorry applies here. The crust isn't whole grain, it actuallly promotes insulin release, increasing mom's high cholesterol. Last time I looked she was on all kinds of meds fighting with her boyfriend who he himself is acting kind of nutty. Although one can not tell as the viewer is a bit nutty herself. Might just be pissed at her, but I don't know, its just a thought.

What ever floats your boat Lucifer, say it, I don't mind, I can take it.

Its not that its true though. I think it has in part, or rather mostly to do with environment I was raised in, as in my liberal parenting that I am going to do.
I would suggest backing off caffeine slowly, perhaps you won't get migranes so much. Inflammation can poteniate migranes and arthritis. I am taking ginger myself now, try it, it might uplift that, plus something I like myself, as if you didn't know

Try to ignore the fact that I just made a sexual joke near a comment posted by lord phlexor, its not funny.