Author Topic: Amazon?  (Read 692 times)

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Re: Amazon?
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2018, 03:05:03 PM »
Fuck that for a lark. That just makes me all the happier to be my own boss. (Not that my line of work exactly comes with a salaried version, not that anybody would own up to at least)

As for the woman fired for that (IMO blatant stalking especially the way that boss confessed to using it) deleting the tracking app and back-door, bloody hell, I hope she wins. What a cocksucking son of a whore she has for a boss!

Chances are, I'd do just what some commenter suggested and if the company made the point it was their phone, I'd leave it with them when I clocked off work, in their building, for them to keep nice and secure, what with it being their rightful property.

Or 'accidentally' be off call, the suggestion of a faraday cage....lol that would not be at all out of character for me, for needing a faraday cage in the first place. Or 'oops, sorry boss, the particle accelerator I was building/experimenting with accidentally zapped it with way too many MeV by way of a proton beam than it was designed to handle....' or 'sorry, Bremmstrahlung accident'
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: Amazon?
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2018, 04:41:16 PM »
Jeff Bezos is the Anti-Christ.

... and this is coming from an atheist.

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Re: Amazon?
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2018, 05:23:30 PM »
Amen brother! and that coming from the atheist's own personal apparent antichrist :autism:
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Amazon?
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2018, 06:10:50 PM »
"Attention Employee #341 please be advised that we know you are jacking off behind that pallet of Kindle Fire's, please report to the office immediately."

Companies will always test the limits...always...and sadly many of the herd are becoming sheep.

Offline Lestat

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Re: Amazon?
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2018, 07:02:38 PM »
Lol I did wonder at first if they would monitor the genital area, although a monitor area there didn't appear on the 'mapping' area for movement. If it did then that would be an absolutely outrageous, and should at least, be criminal thing to do.

It could serve no other purpose if it did, than to perve on the parts of bosses, knowing if employees were getting themselves off. Or which hand they use to wipe their arse/aim their knob when they took a piss, if they have a knob.

You are all too right. Too many of the herd are becoming sheep. Not even sheeple, just sheep. Hey you never know, autism being on the rise might be an evolutionary countermeasure towards protection against stupidity. Damn glad I'm a spazz. Thats for fucking sure. Sheep? hell no. Sheeple? fuck that. I'm not even part of the herd. Well, unless you count a rather loosely associated feline herd :autism: Because thats what it is trying to herd autistic spectrum dwellers, be they autie, aspie or Rett's. We don't DO 'part of the herd' Lol typical of that, is the only one I know with Rett's, she is exactly the opposite of what you'd expect from a textbook on Rett's-a fucking smart cookie rather than MR, a dancer and gym coach for special ed kids, really, REALLY fucking intelligent, drop dead gorgeous and pretty much odd even amongst auties of the Rett's phenotype (she's a chimaera, only part of her cells express the MECP2 mutation that correlates with the protein expression change) Some of her cells express it, some don't. So she has a phenotype that goes and stuffs the textbook on Rett syndrome right up the arse of curebies (and she HATES them haha does she ever. She has curebie-shredding snark down to a fine art, honed like the japanese developed swordsmithing to produce the finest karana...and one almighty fine lady she is indeed.) Funny as hell too, she's just got this way with snarkage thats right on the mark, in a uniquely hilarious way. Would be perfect wife material for any guy. Certainly I would in a heartbeat.

The ONLY typical thing about her, is that she is female, and that being on the spectrum she's about as close to being a sheep as a wolf in a microscopic parasitoid catepillar-hunting wasp's clothing. Although the wolf-ey bit is far more obvious. Everything you'd NOT expect, and elegant as hell is hot. Quite possibly, if there is such a thing, the perfect lady. Just...wow.

Yup...we auties, aspies and associated oddballs, we are about as easy to herd as cats.
And we all know cats are autistic to begin with. So kanner's cats at that :autism:
« Last Edit: February 05, 2018, 07:12:44 PM by Lestat »
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.