Well, its been over a week. The experiment has been fun. It's interesting trying to find a good image to express the things I want to express. I've also realized the difficulty of trying to express complex thoughts when speaking only in pictures. I've always been a very visual thinker, and thinking in pictures is supposedly an attribute that we Aspies posses. Expressing my emotions have been easier with the pictures actually. However, trying to convey the fact that I had a date with the "super cute girl" was near on impossible. I realized some time back, that when I have an emotion, it's a mental image that flashes in my brain, I see it clearly. I feel it of course, but it's in the conveyance that things become muddled. For example, when I'm really happy, this is the image I get in my head:
I see myself dancing like an idiot. How the hell are you supposed to convey that to other people, without just showing them the video. Today, I feel like the opening scene of The Matrix Reloaded, when Neo kneels down, puts his hand toward the ground, and shoots up into the sky leaving a wave on the earth behind. It's crazy, I know. Nicola Tesla supposedly thought like this, hence my obsession with him.
What does all this mean though? I don't know. Language has made our species what we are... I can only assume that the picture thinking is the more primal version... a gazelle doesn't think to itself, "Oh shit, a lion." It sees a lion, sees death, and gets the fuck out of there. And, if a picture truly is worth a thousand words, then our complex language isn't so complex after all... are we just failing miserably to express the pictures in our heads? What if you could easily convey the pictures in your head to another person, would it make for a much more meaningful and deep conversation? I suppose it would depend on the way people perceive the pictures. A lion to a gazelle is "Oh shit!" but a lion to another lion is "Who the fuck are you?"