I have friends in Canada, but three kids. So I am stuck here.
are they surgically attached to something in the states? take them with you, man!
The Nova Scotia is particularly nice

My best friend from high school attended St. Mary's University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Since I was at the University of Miami in sunny Coral Gables, FL, I would spend my spring breaks with him in the cold of Canada. He married a Newfie and the wedding was in Cornerbrook, Newfoundland. Another beautiful place. He now lives an hour outside of Toronto.
Damn...I can't take my kids away from their grandparents and aunts and uncles. Like I said, I am stuck here. I wish I could at least move back to New England so I can be out of this podunk redneck hick town of Civil War hold-outs who are waiting for the chance for the South to rise again.
New England is just becoming a wasteland as the high achiever kids flee looking for better oppertunities and what remains is the kids with not much going for them. It's mostly just people working the system or in other words screwing everyone else. For people with somebody connected that can pull strings for them and hook them up it's ok, but shit if somebody is out of the inner circle and don't have the connections, they are just dog meat to be exploited.
old blue blood familes living off old money
modern day mafia called the government and people need a connection to get in on the action
welfare type people who enable the government mafia by selling their votes for a real small cut of the action
and suckers all of the above mooch off of.