Author Topic: Green is good, but how do we RE-educate others about BULLSHIT GREEN!  (Read 2346 times)

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Re: Green is good, but how do we RE-educate others about BULLSHIT GREEN!
« Reply #30 on: September 25, 2008, 06:40:53 PM »
One of the things I would like to start is a recycling company that goes into these places before demo and takes out what would be worth it to be used again there is a need for it in my area but the funding is the problem.  There is a company that recycles appliances from these houses but they only get to a fraction of them.  Also some people see it as a stigma to receive such things  and feel they deserve new even though the used ones are of superior quality. I do my best with the flea market and such but have run into road blocks myself in trying to donate wheel chairs that where in fine condition but  nobody wanted them as they got "free" ones fom the government or insurance so why should they take ones I wanted to give the so scrap yard they went
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Re: Green is good, but how do we RE-educate others about BULLSHIT GREEN!
« Reply #31 on: September 25, 2008, 07:51:11 PM »
I know that there are companies that specialize in selling parts of homes demolished carefully.  Floorboards, stairways, old beams, etc.  I saw recently that there was even a lumber industry that hunted and salvaged logs that sank in the Great Lakes 100+ years ago.   Even a company that mines old logs from trees that fell into old swamps in New Zealand 50,000 years ago.  The trees are already dead, but, well preserved and very workable. 

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Re: Green is good, but how do we RE-educate others about BULLSHIT GREEN!
« Reply #32 on: September 25, 2008, 08:12:18 PM »
That would would be a dream good for me but you need money to break into it i
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Re: Green is good, but how do we RE-educate others about BULLSHIT GREEN!
« Reply #33 on: September 25, 2008, 09:08:07 PM »
Sadly, the world runs on money, which is nothing but an artificial measure of value.
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Re: Green is good, but how do we RE-educate others about BULLSHIT GREEN!
« Reply #34 on: September 25, 2008, 09:13:25 PM »
I have w watt meter in would be interesting to find how much these things draw
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Re: Green is good, but how do we RE-educate others about BULLSHIT GREEN!
« Reply #35 on: September 25, 2008, 10:10:53 PM »
What I want to know is to what extent being green is of benefit to our species. We've evolved to want our own survival. If being green means artificially checking our expansion in order to make way for competing species, then its proponents will always be fighting a losing battle. But if being green means shaping an environment where we will be better off long term, then I think we will drift naturally towards that path.

We are an interesting experiment because of our front-brain thinking. We are capable of planning for the future to a degree to which other species likely are not. I don't know whether we'll implode, transcend, or simply keep growing at a steady rate. But all this furor over the issue is a symptom of our natural advantage (intelligence).

I also wonder, as always, about how long we will foul our cage before chewing through the bars and getting out into the rest of the galaxy.
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Re: Green is good, but how do we RE-educate others about BULLSHIT GREEN!
« Reply #36 on: September 25, 2008, 11:34:22 PM »

What advantage? The only reason we are having this discussion is because the whales who telepathically control humankind are pissed off that we got their bath water too hot.

I think what ever survival benefits we could possibly create for other species will benefit us in similar measure and the balance will remain in our favor.

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Re: Green is good, but how do we RE-educate others about BULLSHIT GREEN!
« Reply #37 on: September 26, 2008, 05:37:27 AM »
I know that there are companies that specialize in selling parts of homes demolished carefully.  Floorboards, stairways, old beams, etc.  I saw recently that there was even a lumber industry that hunted and salvaged logs that sank in the Great Lakes 100+ years ago.   Even a company that mines old logs from trees that fell into old swamps in New Zealand 50,000 years ago.  The trees are already dead, but, well preserved and very workable. 

 Not many around here though as for now what doesn't go in the dumpsters the carpenters divide up
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Re: Green is good, but how do we RE-educate others about BULLSHIT GREEN!
« Reply #38 on: September 26, 2008, 07:28:54 AM »
What advantage? The only reason we are having this discussion is because the whales who telepathically control humankind are pissed off that we got their bath water too hot.
:lol: You got the message too, huh?

I think what ever survival benefits we could possibly create for other species will benefit us in similar measure and the balance will remain in our favor.
How come?

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Re: Green is good, but how do we RE-educate others about BULLSHIT GREEN!
« Reply #39 on: September 26, 2008, 08:32:39 AM »
What advantage? The only reason we are having this discussion is because the whales who telepathically control humankind are pissed off that we got their bath water too hot.
:lol: You got the message too, huh?

Don't you mean the dolphins?

I also wonder, as always, about how long we will foul our cage before chewing through the bars and getting out into the rest of the galaxy.

Quite a long time I think!

Personally I put the welfare of the planet and the rest of its inhabitants over that of my own species. If the rest of the planet can only survive with the extinction of humans, then that is the only logical and ethical outcome to our existence.
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Re: Green is good, but how do we RE-educate others about BULLSHIT GREEN!
« Reply #40 on: September 26, 2008, 08:35:51 AM »
Personally I put the welfare of the planet and the rest of its inhabitants over that of my own species.

Which ones? All of them? Got any preferences?
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Re: Green is good, but how do we RE-educate others about BULLSHIT GREEN!
« Reply #41 on: September 26, 2008, 08:40:44 AM »
Like it or not, humanity is the dominant species of this ecosystem, as such I would expect the ecosystem to change to suit our needs...This would be merely be a symptom.

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Re: Green is good, but how do we RE-educate others about BULLSHIT GREEN!
« Reply #42 on: September 26, 2008, 08:57:07 AM »
Personally I put the welfare of the planet and the rest of its inhabitants over that of my own species.

Which ones? All of them? Got any preferences?

Given the choice between saving an animal and some random human, I'd save the animal. I am only responsible for myself and my children. I'm not saying that the species should sacrifice itself for the common good, but I do believe most humans are a waste of matter and energy. If the small percentage of humans that are not could somehow change things for the better, then maybe there would be some hope. In the long run, I think the Universe, if not the planet, will dispose of this species long before it reaches anything near what the dinosaurs achieved in longevity. It's like were in a Sarlacc Pit, slowing digesting and unable to figure out a way to escape. Boba Fett was able to escape his Sarlacc Pit, but he had a jetpack.
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Re: Green is good, but how do we RE-educate others about BULLSHIT GREEN!
« Reply #43 on: September 26, 2008, 09:16:17 AM »
Given the choice between saving an animal and some random human, I'd save the animal.

What about insects? Plants? Fungi? Bacteria?

What is it about humans that makes them ethically inferior to animals?

It's like were in a Sarlacc Pit, slowing digesting and unable to figure out a way to escape. Boba Fett was able to escape his Sarlacc Pit, but he had a jetpack.

Mostly agreed. But that's why I think we badly need to get off our butts and invent jetpacks.
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Re: Green is good, but how do we RE-educate others about BULLSHIT GREEN!
« Reply #44 on: September 26, 2008, 10:49:35 AM »
Given the choice between saving an animal and some random human, I'd save the animal.

What about insects? Plants? Fungi? Bacteria?

What is it about humans that makes them ethically inferior to animals?

I suppose I should say “life forms” to be more accurate. Don’t get me wrong. For one, I am not a vegetarian, although I have great respect for those who can do that, like my sister. I believe that in the natural order of things life must consume life in order to live. Whether it’s plants or animals, I don’t think it is immoral to consume other life. I do think that the way humans treat their meals prior to eating them is immoral, but that is another debate. Secondly, I don’t think it is immoral to say…kill bacteria or a virus that would otherwise kill you. Self-defense is not immoral and quite natural. I do not kill insects with the exception of mosquitoes on my children, since we have issues here with them caring potentially deadly diseases, and having the exterminator treat our home for termites. I did have a hard time with that one morally, but I also felt the need to protect the welfare of my family. It kind of haunts me though. I actually was researching natural predators to termites prior to calling the exterminator.

As to the second question, it really is more that I don’t consider humans to be superior life forms. They like to think they are, but very few life forms destroy the environment in which they need to survive. That’s just a generalization. Specifically, there is “W”, Cheney, Hitler, etc. as some of the finest examples of the species. What it boils down to is that each human is responsible for themselves and their offspring. Many of the predicaments that befall other life forms on this planet are caused by humans. At least the “unnatural” ones. This makes it much easier to care about the other life forms when faced with such a choice.

I would like to clarify another thing, as I was a bit too general in my original post. My issues with humans as a whole is with the “adults” and not their presumably as yet uncorrupted offspring. I have done many things with kids over the years. From being a Big Brother to helping out in the Special Olympics. Kids tend to flock to me at birthday parties and I play with them rather than trying to socialize with the adults, which is extremely uncomfortable and difficult to do. I am, of course, an Aspie. All that being said, I would most likely save a random child if faced with that decision. I’m not that heartless.

Then again, I have twice jumped into burning cars to pull random adult humans out, so maybe there is a natural instinct to do so. But had say a dog been in either vehicle, I would have gone for the dog first. Unless, of course, the human was blocking the way so getting them out was a prerequisite to saving the dog.
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