I believe the meek already have inherited the Earth.

My coworkers are bitching about the new recycling policy that went into affect 1 October 2008 at our installation. Now, our personal "garbage" cans are considered recycling containers. All mixed paper, plastic, glass, and metal are to be put into them and the cleaning crews will empty them into the larger bin located in some secret location every week. Anything else, like tissues, tape, candy wrappers, etc. are to be thrown away in the large, bathroom garbage cans along with the usual paper towels found in there. Management is going to track how much time is wasted by employees walking to the bathroom to throw away non-recyclable materials. For fuck's sake! How hard is it to get up once, when you actually go to the pisser, to take the stuff then? My garbage can hasn't been emptied by the cleaning crew in months, 'cause I was already recycling everything at home, so I don't produce any garbage during the day. Now these numnuts will have very little garbage, since all of that paper they waste will have to be recycled, along with the water bottles, instead of just thrown out. Damn…people are lazy!