Author Topic: Hand in your Geek Card. What movies are a must see?  (Read 4991 times)

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Re: Hand in your Geek Card. What movies are a must see?
« Reply #105 on: September 26, 2008, 05:54:08 PM »
Look, mate, *you* felt the need to point out how long you'd been studying films.

Your earlier post...
...I've been showing so-called classics for 20+ years...

My reply to YOUR post...
You might show old classics, Sirrah and imagine yourself an expert, however I have studied film since as far back as I can remember... something like 35 years.

I was REPLYING to your boast about your 20 years of films. It was a REPLY to what you FIRST boasted.

*You* felt it was necessary to point out that film students, the Library of Congress, etc, disagreed with me. I replied.

What I ACTUALLY wrote...
As for 'Vertigo's significance. It is recognised as significant and worthy of preservation by the American Library of Congress, and also highly ranked by the American Film Institute. Whilst this doesn't PROVE its a better film than 'The Trouble with Harry' it is at least worthy of note that the latter has not been so honoured...

Once again I mentioned that in REPLY to your rather petulent post, whilst taking care to admit it didn't prove anything beyond the significance that respected institutions thought it worthy. Why not mention these things? What, have I no right to post something other than personal opinion.

You started the pissing contest and now it's time for you to have a change of clothing because you've managed to wet your pants completely.

Oh ye of forgetful memory...
...I have studied films for as long as you--longer, actually--and have most likely seen more films than you.

YOU started the nah nah nee nah nah that you had probably seen more films than I have... though you don't know my consumption of films in the least - that's the 'pissing contest'... I didn't involve myself in such a pathetic thing except to point it out.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2008, 06:24:27 PM by Nocturnalist! »

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Re: Hand in your Geek Card. What movies are a must see?
« Reply #106 on: September 26, 2008, 06:11:29 PM »
I believe it was the way you posted your must sees.

Here's my original must see post...
Playing my Nerd card rather than my Geek card...

Everybody should watch 'Citizen Kane'.

Everybody should also watch 'Vertigo', 'A touch of Evil', 'Psycho' and 'Peeping Tom'.

I could probably list hundreds of other movies everybody should watch... but Nerdish rather than Geekish.

What did I do wrong?

Nothing. What was wrong with my reply, where I stated that Peeping Tom is boring?

GOOD. Well thank goodness that is settled. And I replied that I considered it GENIUS - not having taken offense at that time and so responding in a similar way that you had just responded. So what's your problem... why did you continue to assert your 'boring' comment instead of just letting the matter stop at that.

What has offended me is your pig ignorant assumptions about my motivation being based on political correctness... That's a personal slur. That is what was offensive to me.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2008, 06:25:16 PM by Nocturnalist! »

Offline Nocturnalist!

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Re: Hand in your Geek Card. What movies are a must see?
« Reply #107 on: September 26, 2008, 06:22:51 PM »

Nocti, I think it's time to stop this thing.

First of all, I'm really sorry you took my initial Peeping Tom comment personally. I don't understand why, but I know you did. I can be like that, putting down films, books, music, anything I dislike, with a lot of sometimes mean commentary. Unnecessary, I know, but a part of my endearing character. And it's never personal; it's just an opinion. A strong one, but nevertheless just an opinion, and as such worth exactly as much or as little as the next man's.

Anyway, the rest went downhill fast but that has more to do with my personal dislike of "authorities", especially film critics (and the world they inhabit), rather than your comments. You only triggered those. See, one of my pet peeves is the kind of blind trust to certain directors, films, "waves" (new or otherwise), and the like that the patrons of the art house I've been showing films at have been displaying. The film festival people here in town are just the same. Often they will like a film because it's politically correct to do so. It's the party line of sorts.

I was not insulted by you calling 'Peeping Tom' boring. I would have liked more information as to quite WHY. And WHY you thought 'The Trouble with Harry' superior to 'Vertigo'.

What insulted me, was your assumption that I was motivated by 'political correctness' in nominating the films that I did. That is NOT so in the least. I have never followed FASHION or political correctness in anything. That is what insulted me... that assumption.

I would agree with you about fad and esteem followers... but I object to being assumed to be one of them. I object to that a great deal. I do not and have never followed party lines. I respect the films I myself find admirable and finely crafted. I could not care less if they are films with a vast following or no following at all... it won't affect what I think of them.

I first saw 'Peeping Tom' on TV when I was a teen, when it was a largely forgotten film - before it became 'recognised'. I loved it instantly. Nothing to do with following any crowd. I do not mind if somebody does not like it. There has not been a film yet made that is even cinematic chocolate let alone universally loved (or universally despised). However, your contempt for me did not go down at all well when you started ad hominem attacks upon my motivation and how many films I've seen compared to you - which is nothing to do with the quality or lack thereof of the films in question.

I genuinely thank you for taking the time now to actually talk about the movie. The post was an interesting read. I thank you for it.

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Re: Hand in your Geek Card. What movies are a must see?
« Reply #108 on: September 26, 2008, 07:06:34 PM »
And these people are really scary because some of them are film critics, others film festival directors, and yet others simply professional moviegoers, paid to go to Cannes or Venice or Berlin to pick new titles, and all they do is to create boundaries between anything that happens to be commercially viable and critically acceptable. Sometimes it's about putting down anything shown at the local multiplex because it's being shown there rather than at a local art house, sometimes it is about the director being a moneymaker or a film that just happens to be commercially successful. They do this all the time, and me, being an insider of sorts since I've been involved in this for two decades, have watched it all with increasing disgust and disbelief.

I completely agree with you. Until the French turned up, Hitchcock was mocked because he was successful by these sorts of idiots. I completely agree with you, 100% on this. The amount of times great films (including those later recognised as great) are crushed by these people.

Thing is, the first time I saw Peeping Tom was probably twenty years ago and I can freely admit I didn't really understand it. I thought it to be rather slow and dull, in spite of the shocking theme. The drama to me now is much like Internet drama, as such rather tedious at best. ;) Since, I've had the opportunity to watch it again, several times, since it used to be a frequent rerun at my cinema. Apart from the colours disappearing, I found it to be pretty much what I remembered it to be. I still thought it to be disappointing, far from the horror it was advertised as, and never as shocking as advertised. Could be that I'm an aspie, could be that it's not my thing, but I never bought it.

I have never found 'Peeping Tom' to be either shocking or a Horror movie. Historically, together with 'Psycho' they are the roots of the 'Slasher' sub genre... though hugely better than many that followed them - undenyably significant in film history... and that alone merits that they be seen at least once by those interested in film.

If 'Peeping Tom' is advertised as a Horror movie, then in my opinion it is mis-advertised and being wronged... just as the excellent 'Willard' remake was crippled by a misjudged advertising campaing and the original 'The Omen' almost suffered the same fate but was rescued. I have never thought of 'Peeping Tom' as a horror movie, but rather as a psychological drama which involves horrific elements. Perhaps this is the problem. Whilst you have every right not to like the film, perhaps your initial viewing was marred by the expectation of it being a Horror movie. Kind of like approaching 'A Matter of Life and Death' expecting a Fantasy Epic... bound to disappointment due to not meeting expectations.

Yes it is slow compared the the fast editing of modern movies... but then 'Alien' was considered slow in its time. Studio Execs complained that nothing happened in 'Alien' for the first 20 minutes or so. 'The Vampyr' might also be considered slow... but I'd recommend that as a must see, along with both versions of 'Nosferatu'. I do not mind slow... Sergio Leone westerns might also be considered slow by today's fast paced breathless standards - yet their slowness permits them to breath and provides texture between the moments of sudden violence.

Vertigo is a good film. Terrific, if you ask me. But I always found Harry more enjoyable. I laughed like a drain, the first time I saw it. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It made me feel good, and the film was so cleverly executed that it made me think *why* it made me feel so good. Which is why I analysed it, and picked it apart, because I was heavily involved in making films in those days.

Vertigo, on the other hand, is an excellent thriller but the ending pretty much destroyed it for me, with James Stewart cured at a cost. The symbolism was sickening to me. Don't get me wrong--the film's excellent craftsmanship. It's just that I didn't buy it, in spite of the build-up. It's typical Hitchcock but the conclusion wasn't satisfying to me. Which is why I would never list it as one of my favourites, in spite of the mastery of his craft.

I love down beat endings - lol. I love the ending of 'The Great Silence' ('Il Grande silenzio') greatly - lol. Can't get more downbeat than that. Watched David Lean's magnificent 'Doctor Zhivago' again tonight and that has a lovely down beat ending too. I love the fact that 'Vertigo' bucks the Hollywood trend of the happy ending. Its about destructive obsessive impossible forbidden love... and so, methinks, could not really end any other way. The final act is virtually one long drawn out soul-rape by way of agonising obsession.

I think 'The Trouble with Harry' is Hitchcock's most beautiful-looking film. And that opening sequence with the little boy playing in the woods, is absolutely fantastic... possibly my favourite Hitchcock opening. However, regardless as to how delicious a delight it is... I find it hinges on just one major joke... the very trouble with Harry. Sophisticated, but largelly singular and played out for the duration of the movie. In the hands of a lesser Director, it would probably have run out of steam. It is, in the hands of Hitchcock, a magnificent dessert one can enjoy time and time again without it getting old - it was one of Hitchcock's personal favourites, and woefully underrated. It is just that, for me, 'Vertigo' is more of a main course and textured. I wouldn't say any of Hitchcock's films were typical Hitchcock, because he was ever so experimental in what he did. Even quota fillers like 'Dial M for Murder' have a touch of his genius about them... and are not typical. I do not think I could recognise a typical Hitchcock and I have 38 of his movies in my collection.

Because of our argument, I re-watched 'Vertigo' again last night... trying to be with a more critical eye. The only real criticism I could find with it, is it tends to be a little bit on the talky side - quite a number of talking head sequences... which is causing me to re-evaluate where In put it in the Master's canon. It may stay in number one spot in my opinion, but I'm giving it some more thought. Its certainly got my second favourite Hitchcock opening with that magnificent rooftop chase - but an opening is just an opening - important but not the be all and end all :green:

Incidentally, most of what I ever will say on this board or elsewhere are just opinions. My opinions. As I said to Lucifer in an email just now, I'm an opinionated twunt.

No. You are more than entitled to your opinions. I'm very opinionated myself. I'd just sooner have had this excellent post of yours nearer the outset. This is a post I can really respect. Attacks on my motivations because my choice happens to go hand in hand with the PCs of some stuffed shirts, does not go down at all well. Remember what the critics say about 'Citizen Kane' and I'm not about to suggest we both rate that film highly because of some misplaced political correctness rather than our honest and informed opinions :eyebrows:

Let's stop this, shall we? We both love Goldsmith, and that means a lot in my book. ;)

I quite agree. I'd far sooner have fun discussing movies than the sort of thing we were doing earlier.

Thank you for your excellent explaination of your position and reasons, Odeon. :green:

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Re: Hand in your Geek Card. What movies are a must see?
« Reply #109 on: September 26, 2008, 09:29:55 PM »


that's enough now, though - don't go needing a room.

right, so can we talk about shrek 2 now, please?  :eyelash:


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Re: Hand in your Geek Card. What movies are a must see?
« Reply #110 on: September 26, 2008, 10:28:01 PM »
* Galileo The Hutt watches as this train becomes horribly derailed

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Re: Hand in your Geek Card. What movies are a must see?
« Reply #111 on: September 26, 2008, 10:48:10 PM »

Offline DirtDawg

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Re: Hand in your Geek Card. What movies are a must see?
« Reply #112 on: September 26, 2008, 11:16:50 PM »

:sticks head in and makes that horrible "tocking" noise:
Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

The end result of life's daily pain and suffering, trials and failures, tears and laughter, readings and listenings is an accumulation of wisdom in its purest form.


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Re: Hand in your Geek Card. What movies are a must see?
« Reply #113 on: September 27, 2008, 12:38:41 AM »
Oh god! The train's flipped over! There's passengers everywhere! Oh the humanity!


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Re: Hand in your Geek Card. What movies are a must see?
« Reply #114 on: September 27, 2008, 12:44:11 AM »
er, have i missed something...?  ???

Offline Nocturnalist!

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Re: Hand in your Geek Card. What movies are a must see?
« Reply #115 on: September 27, 2008, 01:46:40 AM »
...right, so can we talk about shrek 2 now, please?  :eyelash:

I'd sooner talk about 'Shrek' the original. :eyebrows:

I resemble that ogre :green:


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Re: Hand in your Geek Card. What movies are a must see?
« Reply #116 on: September 27, 2008, 04:48:11 AM »
I like all the Shrek films. Arguably the first is the best, but I think they all have their merits.

Offline DirtDawg

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Re: Hand in your Geek Card. What movies are a must see?
« Reply #117 on: September 27, 2008, 10:17:01 AM »
er, have i missed something...?  ???

Have you not seen that movie?
Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

The end result of life's daily pain and suffering, trials and failures, tears and laughter, readings and listenings is an accumulation of wisdom in its purest form.

Offline Lucifer

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Re: Hand in your Geek Card. What movies are a must see?
« Reply #118 on: September 27, 2008, 12:01:58 PM »
...right, so can we talk about shrek 2 now, please?  :eyelash:

I'd sooner talk about 'Shrek' the original. :eyebrows:

I resemble that ogre :green:

okay, especially if you make candles out of your earwax.  :P

my favourite bit was when the bluebird exploded - i nearly shat myself laughing!  :LMAO:

I like all the Shrek films. Arguably the first is the best, but I think they all have their merits.

bollocks - you're just being politically correct.  :smarty:

/cackles, evilly.

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Re: Hand in your Geek Card. What movies are a must see?
« Reply #119 on: September 27, 2008, 12:02:40 PM »
er, have i missed something...?  ???

Have you not seen that movie?

which one?  ???

(i did warn everyone i'm not a film buff).