Author Topic: Hand in your Geek Card. What movies are a must see?  (Read 4995 times)

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Re: Hand in your Geek Card. What movies are a must see?
« Reply #90 on: September 26, 2008, 07:52:07 AM »
I believe it was the way you posted your must sees.

Here's my original must see post...
Playing my Nerd card rather than my Geek card...

Everybody should watch 'Citizen Kane'.

Everybody should also watch 'Vertigo', 'A touch of Evil', 'Psycho' and 'Peeping Tom'.

I could probably list hundreds of other movies everybody should watch... but Nerdish rather than Geekish.

What did I do wrong?

I wouldn't have a clue, I'm not odeon.

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Re: Hand in your Geek Card. What movies are a must see?
« Reply #91 on: September 26, 2008, 09:11:33 AM »
But that's the thing, chill out. I mean The Star Wars prequels were listed and most people jump on that shit and bag it out. Me personally, I like the films, they are the best films ever made or probably anywhere near it, but I enjoy the story, the characters and the universe its set in, I'm a fan.

I like the 'Star Wars' movies also. Even if I didn't, I wouldn't jump all over somebody who did... though I might mention my surprise. I also like 'Life Force' which in its time has been prematurely blamed for the death of British Horror... and I dislike David Lean's version of 'Great Expectations'... which is almost anathema in some filmic circles - note I said I dislike it... and by that I'm not saying it is boring or substandard, but simply saying that it doesn't gel with me personally, though I recognise its excellence.

I do not expect everybody to like what I like or dislike what I dislike... however, I do object if somebody condemns a movie for being 'boring' just because it is not to their taste. I consider that unreasonable. I do not like to see somebody who may claim to love cinema, slate a movie in such a pedestrian manner just because of their personal taste. Its a slight to a film maker who may very well deserve much better respect.

I think there are many different aspects of a film to appreciate and you dont have to like all of them. For some though, I guess any of these can be deal breakers and that's cool too, for them.

I completely agree. In the movies I suggested as 'must sees'... I mentioned them because I generally think all lovers of cinema should watch those movies at least once, because they are excellent (and not only them but 100s of others if they are serious about film)... actually I'd happilly say the same about 'The Trouble with Harry' which is a movie I admire also. I am not saying they have GOT to like the movies... just that they should give them a spin because they are worthwhile.

I guess Odeon would deny them a recommendation if he personally is bored by them and accuse anybody who dares recommend them as just being politically correct or elitist rather than honest. That is just STUPID and IGNORANT of him.

Sure it hurts when someone attacks something you like. It almost feels personal too, but that isn't a reason to attack back. It's time to agree to disagree or admit you like/dislike those film for different reasons.

I do not mind anybody attacking movies I like... so long as they give me good reasons. Just slating it as 'boring' and then accusing me of motivations other than simple appreciation of the movie, is frankly out of order. If I just recommended movies I like, I might have mentioned 'Link' or 'The Island'... however, whilst I like those movies, I would not call them must sees because of their flaws (indeed 'Link' is my all time favourite movie).

If Odeon loves film... truly loves film... then one has to ask how he can bring himself to slate a truly excellent movie just on the grounds that he personally does not enjoy watching it. Like Hitchcock, Michael Powell (who Directed 'Peeping Tom') it is generally agreed, was a genius of cinema - I certainly think so, even if I was the only one (I've loved the movie since before I knew how highly it is regarded these days... indeed, before it became so highly regarded).

Its fine to dislike a movie I recommend... but give good reason rather than empty ad hominem attacks against my motivations for putting it forward. Or childish banter about how many movies he has seen as opposed to me - we have both probably seen many many more than average.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2008, 09:16:58 AM by Nocturnalist! »

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Re: Hand in your Geek Card. What movies are a must see?
« Reply #92 on: September 26, 2008, 09:16:00 AM »
I believe it was the way you posted your must sees.

Here's my original must see post...
Playing my Nerd card rather than my Geek card...

Everybody should watch 'Citizen Kane'.

Everybody should also watch 'Vertigo', 'A touch of Evil', 'Psycho' and 'Peeping Tom'.

I could probably list hundreds of other movies everybody should watch... but Nerdish rather than Geekish.

What did I do wrong?

I wouldn't have a clue, I'm not odeon.

You did say you believed it was the way I had posted my must-sees - which is why I asked you :)

I do not think there was anything whatsoever wrong with how I posted my must-sees... and am glad you 'haven't a clue' as to what was so infuriating to Odeon in the way I presented my selection. I haven't a clue either as to why Odeon saw fit to reply as he did and get 'pissed' at me.

I was also very glad how you and I discussed in this thread earlier - regarding 'Star Trek'. It is a pity Odeon seems not capable of showing that level of maturity.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2008, 09:30:09 AM by Nocturnalist! »

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Re: Hand in your Geek Card. What movies are a must see?
« Reply #93 on: September 26, 2008, 10:19:36 AM »
/picks up chair and wanders off elsewhere...

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Re: Hand in your Geek Card. What movies are a must see?
« Reply #94 on: September 26, 2008, 10:21:02 AM »
But that's the thing, I think saying you find a movie boring is a perfectly acceptable reason by itself. I caught part of one of the LotR movies on TV and it bored the shit out of me. It just seemed like a a bit of a wank. But then I can't enjoy some films I'm not immediately into until the hype has died way down. Similar thing with Firefly/Serenity. I only just downloaded them all and watched them. Yeah it was okay, but there was no way I was going to watch them when everyone was basicly telling me I had to see it.

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Re: Hand in your Geek Card. What movies are a must see?
« Reply #95 on: September 26, 2008, 10:22:00 AM »
/picks up chair and wanders off elsewhere...

At least you didn't hit someone over the head with it. :insane:

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Re: Hand in your Geek Card. What movies are a must see?
« Reply #96 on: September 26, 2008, 11:29:35 AM »
But that's the thing, I think saying you find a movie boring is a perfectly acceptable reason by itself.

Its what Odeon posted here that really put my back up...

There's a lot of political correctness to be dealt with if you want to talk about films. I've been showing so-called classics for 20+ years and this whole holier-than-thou attitude still pisses me off. You have no idea of how many times I've heard variations of Nocti's comments.

Completely out of order. My opinion is that its genius... Odeon's that it is boring. Odeon starting on about my motivations being other than honesty is completely out of order.

Then he rabbits on about possibly having watched more movies than I have... What, does he feel threatened that I am also somebody who has seen a lot of movies that he has to try and start a childish pissing contest with me? ::)

He has only supported his position by worthless ad hominem argument trying to say that I am biassed by 'political correctness' (quite something to say when we are discussing 'Peeping Tom' - anybody who knows the history of the film will realise what I mean)... and haven't seen as many films as he has... in his imagination - since he has not spent his life sitting on my shoulder ::) He has not actually discussed the movies at all in any intelligent way... just childishly attacks them as 'boring' etc. If he had nothing better to add why couldn't he have kept quiet.

I would have been quite interested to have seen him reason out what he was stating... but he didn't. He just whined that he was entitled to his preferences... and that was tilting at a straw man because I never said he had no right to taste or preference... whilst he was saying my taste and preference were fake and motivated by political correctness and an holier-than-thou attitude (fine words by the person who then argues he's seen more movies than I have... nah nah nee nah nah)!
« Last Edit: September 26, 2008, 11:42:39 AM by Nocturnalist! »

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Re: Hand in your Geek Card. What movies are a must see?
« Reply #97 on: September 26, 2008, 12:52:00 PM »
Want a *serious* discussion about film? Get rid of the holier-than-thou attitude.

Or discuss it with somebody who actually wishes to discuss... unlike you. Go take a running jump, Odeon... it is you who made this an issue.

I'm not about to engage in a pissing contest with you as to who has seen the more films or not... talk about irrelevant.

Look, mate, *you* felt the need to point out how long you'd been studying films. I replied. *You* felt it was necessary to point out that film students, the Library of Congress, etc, disagreed with me. I replied. You were the one to make an issue out of this thing. I stated my opinion, as I always do. I'm not speaking for you, the film students, or the Library of Congress, just myself, as always.

You started the pissing contest and now it's time for you to have a change of clothing because you've managed to wet your pants completely.
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Re: Hand in your Geek Card. What movies are a must see?
« Reply #98 on: September 26, 2008, 12:52:59 PM »
I believe it was the way you posted your must sees.

Here's my original must see post...
Playing my Nerd card rather than my Geek card...

Everybody should watch 'Citizen Kane'.

Everybody should also watch 'Vertigo', 'A touch of Evil', 'Psycho' and 'Peeping Tom'.

I could probably list hundreds of other movies everybody should watch... but Nerdish rather than Geekish.

What did I do wrong?

Nothing. What was wrong with my reply, where I stated that Peeping Tom is boring?

EDIT: I'm not about to start sugar-coating my opinions just to suit you. If you take it personally that I think one of the movies you list is boring, that's your problem, not mine. It's not an attack on you.

See, I don't really mind if people hate the films I like, and say so, because it doesn't stop me from liking those films. It simply tells me that their tastes are different from mine.

Also, it doesn't change a thing if a known authority of some kind disagrees with me. Film, as any art form, is basically in the eyes of the beholder.

I also think "Stalker" (the film) is overestimated and in need of a trim, that most of what Chaplin has done is not particularly good, and that Cimino's first released (long) version of Heaven's Gate is the best of all the different releases. I think Woody Allen is mostly boring but when he isn't too busy admiring himself in the mirror he knows how to tell a story, that George Lucas is actually a damned fine editor but more or less a disaster as a director, that Brian de Palma should never have been allowed anywhere near a Steadicam, and that The Birth of a Nation should be shown in 24 frames per second.

Do these things insult you? I'm fairly sure the filmmakers wouldn't mind.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2008, 01:05:36 PM by odeon »
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Re: Hand in your Geek Card. What movies are a must see?
« Reply #99 on: September 26, 2008, 01:42:35 PM »

No one wants to be compatible with me ;(

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Re: Hand in your Geek Card. What movies are a must see?
« Reply #100 on: September 26, 2008, 02:04:08 PM »
Not in that way, no. :P
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Re: Hand in your Geek Card. What movies are a must see?
« Reply #101 on: September 26, 2008, 02:13:49 PM »

No one wants to be compatible with me ;(

i will!  name a film, and i'll say i like it, okay?  ;)


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Re: Hand in your Geek Card. What movies are a must see?
« Reply #102 on: September 26, 2008, 03:41:17 PM »

Nocti, I think it's time to stop this thing.

First of all, I'm really sorry you took my initial Peeping Tom comment personally. I don't understand why, but I know you did. I can be like that, putting down films, books, music, anything I dislike, with a lot of sometimes mean commentary. Unnecessary, I know, but a part of my endearing character. And it's never personal; it's just an opinion. A strong one, but nevertheless just an opinion, and as such worth exactly as much or as little as the next man's.

Anyway, the rest went downhill fast but that has more to do with my personal dislike of "authorities", especially film critics (and the world they inhabit), rather than your comments. You only triggered those. See, one of my pet peeves is the kind of blind trust to certain directors, films, "waves" (new or otherwise), and the like that the patrons of the art house I've been showing films at have been displaying. The film festival people here in town are just the same. Often they will like a film because it's politically correct to do so. It's the party line of sorts.

And these people are really scary because some of them are film critics, others film festival directors, and yet others simply professional moviegoers, paid to go to Cannes or Venice or Berlin to pick new titles, and all they do is to create boundaries between anything that happens to be commercially viable and critically acceptable. Sometimes it's about putting down anything shown at the local multiplex because it's being shown there rather than at a local art house, sometimes it is about the director being a moneymaker or a film that just happens to be commercially successful. They do this all the time, and me, being an insider of sorts since I've been involved in this for two decades, have watched it all with increasing disgust and disbelief.

Thing is, the first time I saw Peeping Tom was probably twenty years ago and I can freely admit I didn't really understand it. I thought it to be rather slow and dull, in spite of the shocking theme. The drama to me now is much like Internet drama, as such rather tedious at best. ;) Since, I've had the opportunity to watch it again, several times, since it used to be a frequent rerun at my cinema. Apart from the colours disappearing, I found it to be pretty much what I remembered it to be. I still thought it to be disappointing, far from the horror it was advertised as, and never as shocking as advertised. Could be that I'm an aspie, could be that it's not my thing, but I never bought it.

But that's me. The patrons loved it, still do. They come in hordes. Tells me my tastes are different from theirs. And yours.

Vertigo is a good film. Terrific, if you ask me. But I always found Harry more enjoyable. I laughed like a drain, the first time I saw it. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It made me feel good, and the film was so cleverly executed that it made me think *why* it made me feel so good. Which is why I analysed it, and picked it apart, because I was heavily involved in making films in those days.

Vertigo, on the other hand, is an excellent thriller but the ending pretty much destroyed it for me, with James Stewart cured at a cost. The symbolism was sickening to me. Don't get me wrong--the film's excellent craftsmanship. It's just that I didn't buy it, in spite of the build-up. It's typical Hitchcock but the conclusion wasn't satisfying to me. Which is why I would never list it as one of my favourites, in spite of the mastery of his craft.

But that's OK. The other films you mentioned I agree about. The Touch of Evil is sheer genius, as is Citizen Kane, which to me is still as modern a film as they come. It's always been on my top ten.

Incidentally, most of what I ever will say on this board or elsewhere are just opinions. My opinions. As I said to Lucifer in an email just now, I'm an opinionated twunt.

Let's stop this, shall we? We both love Goldsmith, and that means a lot in my book. ;)
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Re: Hand in your Geek Card. What movies are a must see?
« Reply #103 on: September 26, 2008, 04:10:10 PM »

Nocti, I think it's time to stop this thing.
  etc., etc.

nice one, O Man.  i think it's big of you to say all that.  except:

As I said to Lucifer in an email just now- eventually - I'm an opinionated twunt.




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Re: Hand in your Geek Card. What movies are a must see?
« Reply #104 on: September 26, 2008, 04:15:45 PM »

Nocti, I think it's time to stop this thing.
  etc., etc.

nice one, O Man.  i think it's big of you to say all that.  except:

As I said to Lucifer in an email just now- eventually - I'm an opinionated twunt.




"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein