Watch 'The Wrath of Khan' and 'The Undiscovered Country' back-to-back and what need is there for 'Nemesis' which was a faulty construct hoping to repeat the greatness of the two by rehashing elements of their plotlines... and missing the point.
I fail to see how Nemesis is anything like Undiscovered Country (my all time fav). Political Intrigue hardly constitutes similarity.
I said rehashing
ELEMENTS of their plotlines

Like I said, they did so while missing the point. I think they should have followed on from
'Insurrection' and examined the Federation's own troubles... repercussions of several recent wars... Dominion and Borg. While
'Insurrection' had weaknesses, it would have made an excellent springboard.
'Undiscovered Country' is my third favourite, after
'The Motion Picture' and
'The Wrath of Khan' 
All three Back To The Future movies.
Woohoo. First is the best. Third is the most fun. Second is the more Science Fictional and darker.
I like the second best...but only because it goes back to the first in a cool way.
I am torn with the three because they all are my favourite of the three depending upon my mood.