"If it looks like a , and quacks like a , we have at least to consider the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family anatidae on our hands." - Douglas Adams (English Writer) 1952-2001
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I'm reviving this thread with photos of my guinea pigs Rustle asleep (guinea pigs often sleep with their eyes open, so don't worry he's not dead)Bullying for foodRiley when he was a baby, during his first weigh - he's now double the weight these days!Couple of Riley asleep, with dead eye on display
Not really - the nature of their breed means the hair is quite harsh and wiry, meaning it doesn't usually knot or get tangled. Every now and then we'll check for hay etc. stuck, but that's pretty easy to do. They also get trims every now and then so it's not too long.They're called lunkaryas, they're a fairly uncommon breed but they're distinctive by their wild, curly hair that goes in every direction. It can also grow quite long too, so they can literally end up looking like floor mops. We either call them "brillo pads" or "pot scrubbers" as a result. Here's some examples: